Quarto luxuoso

Planeje um quarto para seus pais!


Comentários (6)


sziasztok, imádom, hogy a terved gyönyörű, hadd adjak neked egy kis hacket, a luxus is lehet fehér, fekete és bármilyen színű .artalmazza meg, hogy a dizájnja nagyon szép.

2021-05-10 17:12:18

I really like the orange! your room and layout are luxurious and the way you play with textures makes the room feel like a room! really everything is so nice and creative! super good job!

2021-05-10 21:43:04
Mari Mond

Hi Rita, as always your works are beautiful.I saw your render I love the orange color, it's really good here because you used different texture and the layout It is well done. Good luck!

2021-05-11 11:01:43
Hall Pat

Hola Rita :) vi su render y como siempre creo que su diseño es muy bonito, me gusta como se mantuvo elegante y limpio con los colores cálidos. Me provoca la impresión de una casa clásica. Muy agradable ;)

2021-05-11 16:44:20


2021-05-12 00:32:08
User 20244259

hi Rita, i love the orange colour!!!!!! it has got an elegant touch to it and i just LOVE it! welll odne and good luck. please see mine

2021-05-12 14:23:15