De volta!

Durante o primeiro concurso do Planner 5D, você projetou um quarto aconchegante. Estamos de volta com a tarefa de torná-lo 100 vezes melhor!


Comentários (18)


I hope everyone is doing good? This is my design for this week I hope everyone likes it please comment and vote. And tell me what you think. I really appreciate it. Thank you

2021-05-03 04:32:23

wow! the room is so light and airy your colors are also great and i love your outside area! you did a great job and you are really talented!

2021-05-03 14:45:20

amazing! I love those colours used and the layout is also really nice! It’s so relaxing and cozy! I love your work you’ve done amazingly well this week! Good luck! :-)

2021-05-03 14:49:23
User 20244259

i love the soft greys and blues in the room. the layout is good and the area outside is so cool. well done and please see mine

2021-05-03 14:50:32

Thank you!! for your kind words

2021-05-03 14:53:04

Hey Baraa, Nice design. The window seating is just amazing and the pink accent goes really well. Good luck :)

2021-05-03 15:46:03

Hi Baraa! I LOVE your design! It is so pretty! Please see mine!

2021-05-03 16:15:12
Hall Pat

Muy bonito. Me gustan mucho esos colores azules en los detalles. Considero que el color gris fue una excelente elección :D Muchas gracias por su comentario :)

2021-05-03 16:57:18

Amazing! You are so good! Plz check mine out

2021-05-03 20:01:26
Mari Mond

Hi, what a beautiful design Bara, I love the color scheme you use it leaves the room calm and cozy. I like the sitting area inside and outside, and even with two sofas it has a good space.

2021-05-04 10:36:32
Rizki Agustin

The design is amazing, the rooms are very bright and the layout is very neat and airy. the color is also good and i like the outside area you are very comfortable, you are creative, you do a good job and Good luck

2021-05-04 11:29:51
Sub_Urban Fan

ooooou, this is amazing! I really admire your design Baraa. I love everything about your design, it is very creative, you did a wonderful job!

2021-05-04 19:49:36

Thank you!! for your kind words

2021-05-04 23:30:15
Born to be Wild

Hi Baraa, thanks for your comments I like your design, its looks light and airy overall. I like the sitting area both inside / outside. the pastel pink pots matches the theme. Best of luck!

2021-05-06 07:07:09

Спасибо за комментарий))). Светлая, просторная комната с хорошим распределением мебели . Цвета подобраны приятные.. Только один нюанс должен знать дизайнер!)))---- вокруг кровати должен быть свободный доступ в 60 см.

2021-05-08 05:24:51

wow!!! this is stunning!!

2021-05-08 14:55:41

can anyone vote for me please?

2021-05-08 14:56:27

thank you

2021-05-08 16:30:02