
Comentários (6)

Sim Dhanda

Really like your design. Thanks for commenting on my project. Please vote for me and I'll do the same. Thanks, Sim. :)

2020-09-08 06:34:06

HI really like how you taken up the challenge of using the black and white , great job. If you have the time please check out my design on page 12. Funny its just actually above yours

2020-09-08 10:30:22
Anna doggy

Beautiful!!!!! please vote for me on page 24!!!!!

2020-09-08 14:42:10
Hall Pat

Al fin te encontré. Votado!

2020-09-11 02:42:45
Sim Dhanda

voted! please vote for me as well on page 10

2020-09-12 12:48:04

Voted! If you want, you can see mine on page 60.

2020-09-12 17:47:08