Desenhe uma sala de estar maluca!
April Fools day "crazy" living room. Page 211.
2021-03-30 14:30:49Hey Milica. Nice design. I loved the wallpapers and colors in your design. It's quite crazy ;)
2021-03-30 17:07:56Hi Mehanshi, thank you, I was wondering if it is crazy enough :).
2021-03-30 17:28:22Hola Milica! Que bueno que ahora sí llegué a tiempo. El proyecto es brillante y eso lo hace muy divertido, es bastante loco pero sin llegar al extremo, me parece muy bonito y muy balanceado. Me encantaron los otomanos :D
2021-03-30 18:04:25hi Milica, this is definitely crazy like Mehaanshi said!! I love the teal yellow and red as they are a great combo and they give the room a really funky feel! Such a fun and cool room that i'd enjoy spending time in! good luck and well done. please see mine
2021-03-30 18:25:51Thank you Hall Pat, I just realized these are actually colors of Jamaica and that I have a kind of Rastafarian style room, so I'll just say: " ONE LOVE!" :))!
2021-03-30 18:25:51Thanks Genius.
2021-03-30 18:27:28Привет Милица))). Проект динамичный, абстрактный. Вызвал улыбку и положительные эмоции, просмотрев досконально. Очень понравился яркостью и оригинальностью.
2021-03-31 18:14:49Hi, I love your project! The layout is great, and the glass table with the palm tree in the middle is fantastic. We used almost the same colors and decor pattern :)
2021-04-01 10:49:46Thanks a lot @Baraa!
2021-04-01 11:12:07Thanks @Olga, happy that you like it!
2021-04-01 11:12:29Hi Rita, thank you for your comment. I think now that I should have used smaller palm tree instead the big one inside the table. I'm also happy that we used the same theme, each of us in its' own way. When I was looking for some crazy pattern theme I went for a first one in Pictures menu, the arrow in bright colors seemed crazy enough to me :). I guess it was similar with you.
2021-04-01 11:17:11Very nice. Dynamic room, both in color and space with equipment. What is the purpose of the last, partitioned space?
2021-04-01 14:02:29Hi Tatjana, thanks! The partition space is a torture room, maybe looks innocent but it's an evil space made for confusing innocent folks :D :))!
2021-04-01 14:34:25o - moj bog!? Kaj se tu piše.
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