Projete uma casa de banho em cores pastel.
no i just like sharks
2021-03-03 03:02:25Why are u ok u actually don't put anything are u ok
2021-03-03 04:27:52yeah im ok i just hate to design bathroom im so sos so noob at design it :)
2021-03-04 00:28:11hahaha Oh well but i think your a good designer i love your chinesse new year interior and boys bedroom its great i belive one day you can one of the best designer :)
2021-03-04 00:31:41Thanks u the best. Your the besy designer too ;)
2021-03-04 00:32:23what?
2021-03-05 01:14:33his talking to me
2021-03-05 01:17:37( oh well i cant say it bro )
2021-03-05 01:17:57aww thats so cute
2021-03-05 04:03:44what??
2021-03-05 04:46:52SHUT UP BRO
2021-03-05 04:47:33really
2021-03-05 04:53:48but why
2021-03-05 04:54:16well idk
2021-03-05 04:56:45nope
2021-03-05 04:58:27see u just making thing up
2021-03-05 04:59:27( why I do that?)
2021-03-05 05:00:46?????????????????????????/What
2021-03-05 05:01:34*shy*
2021-03-05 05:01:52Wanna hang out?
2021-03-05 05:02:59o...ok
2021-03-05 05:03:30???
2021-03-05 05:03:53Um, I just need to let my feelings out. I like u and I hope you like me....want to go hunting with me?
2021-03-05 05:06:41yes
2021-03-05 05:06:59Um, you want to join the wolf pack?
2021-03-05 05:09:06Please
2021-03-05 05:09:11well ya *meybe*
2021-03-05 05:09:27* actualy no*
2021-03-05 05:10:16please you can still use your name
2021-03-05 05:10:47plzzzz
2021-03-05 05:11:44fine
2021-03-05 05:12:26??
2021-03-05 05:16:10But you have Eva/Luna ( whatever the name is )
2021-03-05 05:16:46said who ur family is HUGE
2021-03-05 05:17:31oh
2021-03-05 05:18:08:(
2021-03-05 05:21:27:(
2021-03-05 05:25:05no don't leave I need u
2021-03-05 05:29:16why?
2021-03-05 05:30:57ha?! why he do that?
2021-03-05 05:32:23Hey Mr mako watch the treasure map its just a Live 2 hour ago
2021-03-05 05:33:50oh
2021-03-05 05:35:44watch it
2021-03-05 05:36:33o...ok
2021-03-05 05:38:44I'm at the part when Haruto is sleeping XD
2021-03-05 05:40:24it's 20 mins treasure map ep 36
2021-03-05 05:42:24if u want the link here
2021-03-05 05:42:35
2021-03-05 05:42:46
2021-03-05 05:42:59oh
2021-03-05 05:44:02great
2021-03-05 05:44:08Sure
2021-03-05 05:46:49( but u are my bro?)
2021-03-05 05:47:01maybe watching treasure map ( maybe)
2021-03-05 05:49:40...
2021-03-05 05:55:31Ok
2021-03-05 07:02:51bye to u to
2021-03-05 23:20:46hi
2021-03-07 02:05:27hi
2021-03-14 10:57:49:)
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