Designer’s notes
Also children are looking forward to THEIR home . S. P.
Comments (4)

i really like your building i wish i could make stuff like that but i dont understant how to put stuff on the 2 floor....
somebody plz helpmme with that
2016-03-28 18:11:15

Siegfried Peter
Hello! First do the floor plan. In staircase area you delete the hook for the ceiling. Then they go one floor up. ( first floor ). You can see the floor plan. Then build a new floor. Where the stairs remove the hook from the floor. (Top left of the PC). so the staircase is visible through the ceiling. There is also a description. I hope I could help. S. P.
2016-03-28 21:54:37

thank you so much
2016-04-03 22:19:23

Siegfried Peter
I am happy that I could help you . If you like a project .... add to favorites ! S.P.
2016-04-03 22:52:51
