
Commenti (16)

User 12006058

2021-02-15 19:29:37
User 12006058

2021-02-15 19:33:07
User 12006058

2021-02-15 19:36:51
Milica G.

I'm in love with your Chinese space! I wasn't sure how to use patterns, but I like the way you did! Those two in green shades, that are framed in 4 frames, they look very Asian in your interpretation. I love cushion combos, the layout, everything! Great work!

2021-02-15 21:00:03
Hall Pat

Cómo siempre sorprendente! El diseño es muy bonito y con todo el ambiente necesario. Me di cuenta en sus renders que uso metálicos en los cojines, hermoso detalle, me encanta :)

2021-02-15 21:56:15

Понравился дизайн!))) Место для чайного ритуала очень уютно создано с декором и место для отдыха и общения с удобной расстановкой мебели тоже понравилось. Строго, чётко, со вкусом! Молодец!))))

2021-02-16 09:59:44

Спасибо большое за комментарий. ..) Я тоже в рендере немного изменила, ширма была лишней!!!) Доброго дня!!

2021-02-16 12:12:55
Rizki Agustin

Hi Rita. this is really a very amazing design. both zones are made very beautiful I love the living room with beautiful pillows and the place for drinking tea is very comfortable. and also the lanterns are cool. I like everything. Good job

2021-02-16 12:13:08
Cute Doggy

Could you publish the renders you made for my brother Miracle Doggy?

2021-02-16 15:52:15

Are you sure it's okay under my name? Last time a picture of your brother appeared on the faceboook under my name, I think it’s not fair (for you). But anyway, welcome.

2021-02-16 15:56:43
Cute Doggy

??? My brother is Miracle doggy.

2021-02-16 15:59:38

Yeah, it was on P5D's prolfile. https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D/posts/3414972945275294

2021-02-16 16:08:49
Cute Doggy

can you make me some renders?

2021-02-16 18:00:08

OK, but next time please find out something, because I start to run out ...

2021-02-16 22:26:53
User 20244259

can really see the festivity of the room!! this is one of my favourite designs that i have seen. pls see mine on p.195

2021-02-18 12:52:39

Szia, remekül sikerült. Nagyon jók a színek, különösen a padló színe fogott engem meg. Nagyon tetszik. Remek ötlet , hogy a növények mellé lámpákat helyetél. Az elrendezés, a színek és a dekorációk is visszaadják a Kínai stílus jegyeit. Szép munka, mint mindig! :)

2021-02-21 09:40:27