Szia, köszönöm kedves hozzészólásodat, most, hogy mondod, tényleg olyan zsenge borsdó színe van a falnak, pedig a festmény őszi :)). A tied nagyon modern, tetszik téglafal, és nagyon jók a színek is. Szuper a polc az ágy fölött a lámpákkal, jó a nagy ülőke, és különösen tetszenek a festmények, nagyon jól néznek ki!
2021-01-27 22:30:40Muy bonito, me gustan mucho esos colores brillantes con el balance de las paredes claras, además de la muy bonita distribución, excelente trabajo :D
2021-01-28 00:09:51You have prepared an interesting design. I like the color combination (gray / yellow; gray / black and reddish). You also chose a nice furniture layout that has plenty of room to move around the room.
2021-01-28 07:18:58Köszönöm Rita :)
2021-01-28 09:20:44Thank you Hall Pat and Tatjana :)
2021-01-28 09:21:40WOW, I love everything. It's a magnificent layout and those colors are the best. I love the paintings above the sofa and that shelf above the bed is spectacular. As always, magnificent. :D
2021-01-28 14:17:59I like it. please check out mine
2021-01-28 23:09:57Thank you Laura and Angelica :)
2021-01-29 18:18:50Hi Gabes!I really love the modern colorfull studio plz chek mine on page 10
2021-01-30 00:19:12Hi Gabes :)! i love grays and neutrals with bright color accents :). The layout is very interesting, you managed to fit both queen size bad and a corner sofa and still there's a plenty of space. The dining and kitchen area also look great. It's unique and will be easy to spot during voting :).
2021-01-30 15:24:25Thank you Alpha Pup and Milica G. :)
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