Madeline Cyfko

Commenti (5)


I don't mean to be rude but I don't love it. It looks rushed and just like you didn't really try. But the thing I like is toilet area. Please check out mine

2021-01-19 22:45:58
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. It's okay if you don't like my design. You don't have to vote for it. Anyway, your room looks good.

2021-01-20 20:27:48
✨g r a c e✨

This is a really nice design! I really like how spacious and clean it is:) I think the wood accents make it look country, nice job! I do think you should've made the outside of the bathroom stone, to get a little more country vibe and made the ground grass instead of just dirt. All in all I really like it!! AWESOME JOB:))))

2021-01-22 21:57:33
✨g r a c e✨

please check out my design, thx:))

2021-01-22 21:58:11
✨g r a c e✨

Also I really like you bio, I hate covid too! I do 4 sports and I am 12 years old:)

2021-01-22 21:59:39