I'm on page 127.
2021-01-05 17:30:40Hi, thanks for yous comment. I love your project! The color contrast between the dark walls and the light furniture looks great, and the "TV column" is a super idea! I like the frames on the wall and the bookshelves too.
2021-01-06 08:10:50Thank you Rita :)!
2021-01-06 10:36:48Hi Milica :) "Black but still light" XD It actually looks good the the light wooden furnish. I love the TV over the pillar you created. Everything is completely different and nice :)
2021-01-06 14:24:22Умничка! Понравился проект! Сочетание тёмно-серого с тёплым бежевым великолепно смотрится!!!! Неожиданно. ----С удовольствием рассматривала каждую деталь!.. Понравилась выбранная мебель и места расстановки. Всё функционально и красиво!. Дерево умиляет и расслабляет.. Стильно, красиво, ГАРМОНИЧНО!!!)))
2021-01-06 15:57:34Wow, very creative design! I love the two armchairs on the sides, the color scheme of the books, the rotated shelve, and the gifts inside of them. It all looks really cool, and somewhere where I would like to spend time in. If you'd like make sure to check mine out, and good luck! :)
2021-01-06 18:05:05Milica! :) Perdona que llegue tarde, estuve un poco ausente. wow! Que precioso diseño, es el unico que e visto con paredes obscuras y debo decir que es realmente sorprendente, tomaste un riesgo al escoger ese color y funcionó de maravilla, además de el hermoso contraste de colores y todos los detalles que agregaste, felicidades, es un diseño hermoso!
2021-01-06 19:59:49Драга Олга, пуно хвала на предивном коментару, драго ми је да ти се допада мој пројекат иако није баш по правилима овонедељне игре :)!
2021-01-07 09:52:18Thanks a lot Elle.xo for your comment, I really appreciate your oppinion, you can always tell me what do you really think and if you have suggestions for improvements just go ahead with them.
2021-01-07 09:54:21You are never too late Hall Pat, thank you for your comment! I know my this week project is not exactly by the rules, but I took a chance anyway.
2021-01-07 09:55:43Your are Right Mehaanshi, "Black, but still light", I was just kidding ;)! However, the room may still be light in a way that there is not much furniture pieces in it :P. Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it!
2021-01-07 09:59:03Спасибо большое за тёплый комментарий к моему проекту! Удач нам и побед на жизненном пути!!!
2021-01-07 17:39:43♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧ @Ольга !!!
2021-01-07 17:57:39Hi Milica G. ! Thank you for your nice comment. :) The layout is very good. I especially like the placement of the TV stand. Very great idea. It is true that the floor and walls are dark, but at least the furniture is light shades , and since there are no curtains, the room is constantly light. Especially if it's south facing. Because that's right, right? ;)
2021-01-10 10:11:00Right Gabes ;)! Thank you for your comment!
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