The bright orange-yellow couch & armchair really pops out amidst the black-white scheme, its really vibrant!
2021-01-04 08:37:35i really agree what Yeqoan just say your design is amazing come see mine on page 14 sorry if i said the wrong sometime i do that but if you dont can you commen on my project i dont mind if you talk with me
2021-01-04 10:15:45Wow what a coincidence!! I find my project twin here. If you curious you can check my project :D
2021-01-04 13:19:48thanks
2021-01-04 20:30:07Hi, it looks great! I really like the orange sofas, the black and white rugs and pillows and the wooden wall.
2021-01-05 17:18:11thx
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