Hi, I like your design! The colorful decor looks very good with the gray walls. The Christmas tree stands out well. I love the bedclothes too. Happy New Year!
2020-12-29 15:45:03Thanks Rita :), I was in mood for darker colors :).
2020-12-29 16:25:15Milica! Que bueno que lo encontré! Estuve buscándolo pero no daba con su proyecto. Muy bonito diseño y acomodo del mobiliario. Es muy agradable ver la atención que siempre le pone a los detalles. Muy bonito :)
2020-12-30 01:46:20Very interesting design. I like the raised part with the bed, in fact the whole organization of the space. Nice. I wish you a nice New Year's Eve.
2020-12-30 05:51:44Thanks Hall Pat and Tatjana! Happy New Year to you!
2020-12-30 09:14:30Привет!! Спасибо за комментарий))) У тебя тоже по домашнему уютно, ничего лишнего из предметов . Всё сочетаемо и функционально...))) Счастливого Нового года!)))
2020-12-30 12:26:12Thank you Olga :)!
2020-12-30 12:50:49Hi! Very nice job. I like that the sleeping area is higher. Happy New Year! :)
2020-12-31 16:04:57Hi Gabes :), thank you! Happy New Year to you, too :)!
2020-12-31 16:27:15Hi Guys, if anybody read this, could you help me understend the following (in regard to voting process). If I vote for sommeone's project and if am offered the same project later again should I click it or not? I'm affraid that if I click it again I will unvoted.
2021-01-01 11:40:27Hi Milica G thank you so much for your vote to me. I like your design. Good luck.
2021-01-01 13:30:49Hi, I was so lucky too that I could find yours in 150 round. Voted :)
2021-01-01 20:01:48Hvala Milica za vaš las. Bom poskusila dobiti tudi vaš projekt in glasovati. Ne poznam odgovora na vaše vprašanje.
2021-01-01 20:19:14Hola Milica! Por fin pude votarte! Muchas gracias por tu voto. Me parece que sí votas por un proyecto tienes que votar por el mismo si vuelve a parecer por qué de otro modo se elimina el voto. Mucha suerte ;)
2021-01-01 21:04:30Ура, я тебя нашла, проголосовала! С новым годом!)))
2021-01-02 21:11:04Thank you guys, do not bother to find my project to vote it. It is a little bit exausting to go all the way through hundreds and hundreds of project to find one that you noticed before and wanted to vote. The new voting process maybe gives better distribution of votes but I think 5D Planner should really perfect it so that we don't go through so many irrelevant and unfinished projects. Sometimes I am offered to vote for a completely empty space. Maybe Planner 5D could make a preselection of finished projects , so that only finished projects qualify for voting.
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