Katniss Everdeen

Commenti (35)


It is really purpple but ok

2020-06-01 08:37:08
Do me a 👍 and I'll try to do you a 👍 Back (Lavi)

הצביעו ♥ בבקשה !!! חדר שינה עם מרפסת! التصويت ♥ من فضلك ! הצביעו ♥ בבקשה !!! לחדר שינה עם מרפסת https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3640/?key=d8c3333da92cb7503b22ca366c2784f2 في الصفحة 8 בעמוד 8 בעמוד 8

2020-06-01 11:34:30

I love it. I will vote for you! Can you vote for me? https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3530

2020-06-01 12:23:07

I love it is very cool. I like the color scheme. I am 12 years old and I want to be an architect / designer. Please vote and comment on page 7. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3643

2020-06-01 13:34:57

(I love the hunger games : ) )

2020-06-01 13:35:18
Katniss Everdeen

Thanks, I will try to vote for all of you!! :)

2020-06-01 14:03:05
Оуу ессс

If you like it I think you'll like it too https://planner5d.com/ru/contests/detail/3680

2020-06-01 14:26:11
User 10840096

2020-06-01 15:57:58
Thea Miller

I like the color scheme with all the different purples. I will vote for you. Could you vote for me? https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3540

2020-06-01 16:31:47
House desighner

love it

2020-06-01 17:09:55

I love this bedroom. I'm a (almost) 15-year old girl and I want this room for me XD. I'm in page 11 if you want to check mine :)

2020-06-01 17:14:03

i love it please vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3692

2020-06-01 18:36:38
Anonymous :)

I like it. The bed sheets are nice. If you vote for me I will vote for you. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3664

2020-06-01 20:16:11

This room is so cool! I love all the different purples! Here is my link: https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3555

2020-06-01 21:22:34

I love your room and The Hunger Games!

2020-06-02 01:39:35
Anoushka Sarin

Really nice design I love it! Please vote for me too! Here is my link- https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3571

2020-06-02 05:51:08
Daniel Radcliffe

I am a plant lover! My sister says that she wants to live there even though she's only seven! .´) I am voting for you! Please vote for me! I am on page one number one! Thanks! Logan

2020-06-02 13:57:43

yours is amazing, please vote for me!

2020-06-02 16:00:45
Stasa Stevanovic

Very functional design, although a little too purple for me. I like it!

2020-06-02 20:58:28

I will vote for you! Please vote for me! Here's the link! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3912

2020-06-02 21:48:54
User 9501529

2020-06-03 03:01:57

Hi, i really like the design, love it GO check my design https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3921

2020-06-03 07:02:20

I love it! I will vote for you, please vote for me, I'm on page 45!

2020-06-03 11:01:06

Love the purple heres mine:

2020-06-04 03:22:36


2020-06-04 03:24:06

your room looks really nice: please check out my room and share with people: https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3643/

2020-06-04 10:20:42

i love your design. i will vote for you. could you vote for me on page 61

2020-06-04 16:05:04
Mohammed Aiyesh

Hey! I just voted for you, please vote back to me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3585

2020-06-05 02:08:40
Random Human

I love the design on the bed sheet thing and i love the theme colours!also i voted 4 u so can u please vote me back im on page 68! even if u dont, i dont mind,thanks! :( i so wish i got in on the battle sooner so i got like the first few pages but oh well school stuff

2020-06-05 05:01:58

I voted for u can you vote for me? https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3530 (Im only 11 so plese vote for me)

2020-06-06 12:34:30

I really like it but it is a little bit too purple for my taste. will you please vote for me? https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/4608/#comment_5337648

2020-06-06 13:01:05
User 10840096

2020-06-06 16:52:07
Erica Lu

vote for me on https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3535 and I will vote for you

2020-06-06 20:30:06

I like this

2020-06-07 15:06:04

i voted for you, please vote for me!! on page 8. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3643/

2020-06-07 21:10:42