Progetta il bagno dei tuoi sogni!
lol in my room i have my own bathroom so here ya go its like a replica of my bathroom wahh but it didnt add makeup becouse there was no makeup in the challenge Kon'nichiwa and if your saying by Sayōnara
2021-07-06 22:56:15lol i mean if you saying hi Kon'nichiwa and if you saying byy Sayōnara
2021-07-06 22:57:08I really like this one! Great have a 5 star * * * * *
2021-07-09 01:51:26lol
2021-07-09 01:51:30hey snow.its SZ. my acount stoped workingand i had to get a new one to tell you this. i hope you are not angry. i am sorry i have not texted for so long. my grandpa died and my grandma moved to illinose and we moved there too so we could be with her. the move has been really stresssful. my mom says i have to leave plnner 5d and i am really sorry. i am going to miss you so much. remember we are going to always be friends at heart. please tell ella , designer qween, geiunuse of design and, annabella grace lara that i am leaveing. I am going to miss you.. I am really sorry. i do not know what to say. I do not know how to make you feel better. i am so sorry.
2021-07-11 21:56:24:(
2021-07-11 21:57:33here is something for you for ou friendship
2021-07-11 22:00:11
2021-07-11 22:00:27it wont let me send it
2021-07-11 22:00:45hii
2021-07-12 18:36:20i for give you and ill miss you
2021-07-12 20:05:19sorry I had ton get onother acout to say this
2021-07-20 00:01:06you know how you kept asking for my name
2021-07-20 00:01:30i think i should tell you it. my name is savana zachary smith. i have dusty blond hair and really light brown hazle eyes
2021-07-20 00:03:55oh nice name
2021-07-20 00:58:06my full name is snow Cho yang
2021-07-20 00:59:24oh i have gray and green eyes and black hair
2021-07-20 01:01:25just realize..u say ur name is snow Yen or Blossom Yen not Snow Cho Yang
2021-08-10 04:37:26welpp hiii
2021-08-10 23:01:10nope you korean name is blossom
2021-08-10 23:01:41La Vie En Rose
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