Angel 2009

Commenti (21)

Angel 2009

I hope you like it

2020-09-14 01:48:10
User 15281715

2020-09-14 02:05:07
Jackie M

Love the bar setup in the kitchen, very clever!

2020-09-14 05:26:25
Angel 2009


2020-09-14 12:39:20
Hall Pat

La idea de la barra es muy original. Gran trabajo.

2020-09-14 15:33:29
Angel 2009

um I am so sorry, but I can't understand you.I am so sorry

2020-09-14 22:21:17
Art lover

This is really amazing!!!!!! I love the mixture of the greys, blues and wood! they look really great together! If also absolutely LOVE how you added an island to the room, and it still looks spacious enough!!!

2020-09-16 19:16:04
Art lover

Check mine out on page 17!

2020-09-16 19:16:14
Angel 2009

Aww thank you so much. What page is yours on I would love to check it out!

2020-09-17 01:13:58

i like the boho style and putting there the living room very original i mostly see people put kitchen there but you are very extraordinary the kitchen can be spacious with dining in it i like the bluish color i like white brick floor and walls very good and nice.

2020-09-17 03:19:48
Angel 2009


2020-09-17 14:33:00
User 15281715

2020-09-18 02:29:25

Интересное решение! Голосую!)

2020-09-18 04:21:30

Voted! And sorry, I'm leaving this same comment for others too, because I don't have any connection to my brain right now, and I just want to vote for the ones I like for now. If you want an original comment, please just leave a comment on my design, and I'll get back to you when my brain is working again. Page 15. Sorry.

2020-09-18 05:09:32

Very original in design and the kitchen is always the heart of a home. I really like the soft (almost minty, if you can call it that) blue. Nicely done, you have my vote :-)

2020-09-18 10:05:00

Hi , i really love your project and the blue color , if you do not mind plz check out my design on page 56 , i would really appreciate it

2020-09-18 11:53:12

Hello! I just wanted to say I really like what you've done with the kitchen/dining and bar area! Also your choice in wall art and color scheme is quite nice. Def one of my favorites so far! I'm on page 4 and I'd love to hear any and all feedback you might have. Voted! (^-^)/

2020-09-18 16:15:05
Angel 2009

Thank you guys so much and I will def com and check out yours

2020-09-19 17:30:46

We should see how many doggys we can get. Change your name to any doggy and we can have a whole group of doggys! Also spread the word

2020-09-19 23:54:08
Angel 2009

maybe I will And that's so cool that you are doing that!:)

2020-09-20 02:35:48
Angel 2009

But, why should other people have to change their name.

2020-09-20 21:29:26