do you remember me? you insulted my project and i have alredy coment again to you. now i can see why you insulted me, because you are noob and i culd say: im 10 years old. so think about what you did
2020-05-18 16:54:46you are supossed to do a yellow kitchen noob noob noob noob
2020-05-18 16:56:04noob
2020-05-18 19:04:10ja noob
2020-05-18 19:04:38well i think your project is good for a noob like you good
2020-05-18 19:05:31Thanks
2020-05-19 07:21:12Anything else I am all ears
2020-05-19 07:21:35ohhhhhhhh thanks for calling me a noob That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!
2020-05-19 07:24:34Have u ever thought of checking your spellings?
2020-05-19 07:27:28yes, sorry noob sorry again but whats the problem? i said that because of playing daa
2020-05-20 00:20:22but that was your problem because you called me weidor
2020-05-20 00:21:39I am sorry I shouldn't have said that your design was horrible
2020-05-20 03:10:05a, so... what did you said? wht is weidoes?
2020-05-20 14:53:19I think both of your besigns are great!!
2020-05-20 15:59:14I think that Anoushka sarin house is just the worst thing ever I don't no how to tell how bad it is
2020-05-20 16:30:11I am not liking you hope you lose
2020-05-20 16:31:26I like you house please vote me Rough 35 one to the right!!!
2020-05-20 17:10:10Sorry for saying mean things
2020-05-20 17:39:59I don't care
2020-05-21 02:34:53i dont care too
2020-05-21 14:22:58but i cant understand why did anoushka said that things about my project? i mean, i only have 10 years and my project is not impresionant but its good
2020-05-21 14:25:00I like your house hope you like mine
2020-05-21 16:34:13Hi Anoushks Sarin please vote me, I am on rough 35 top left!! Thanks! I am voting you
2020-05-21 16:38:31ok you are not in these anonymous, dont say vote for me, but becalm please you are so exited
2020-05-21 18:15:43it look ugly hay her teeth look like pino keys
2020-05-21 22:11:32what, Ok!! I voted for you Anoushks Sarin please vote me!! 35 top left!! Thanks for that!!
2020-05-22 00:39:27Ok
2020-05-22 03:14:45Umm just a quick question why did you add 2 stoves/ovens that just draws the attention away from the kitchen and it's also a hazard having a stove right at the end of the counter because if someone was to walk past and there is hot food they will most likely burn themselves but good job.
2020-05-23 06:52:28Hi pls vote for me
2020-05-23 08:32:53Oops! Sorry I forgot that!
2020-05-23 11:59:50Anoushka, don't listen to him, I think your kitchen looks great :)
2020-05-23 16:16:14this design is great!! Can't believe a 9yo did this, u go girl x don't lisyen to him he's a idiot
2020-05-23 18:38:00Great job Anoushka! you have definitely got some talent designing, do you want to be an interior designer? And I do kind of agree that you added two stoves but I can't believe a 9-year-old did this great job Anoushka :)
2020-05-23 23:20:02Thanks!!
2020-05-24 11:18:36You guys are awesome
2020-05-24 11:19:11Theres no yellow
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