Potato chip

Comentarios (21)

Dragon girl

It's very nice! I also like all the red and white. I like the TV with the things next to it. I like the couches! I'm on page 3 also!

2021-02-15 01:23:39
User 15281715

2021-02-15 01:26:27

You are good at design. cool! It's like a Chinese design.

2021-02-15 02:12:35
User 16004304

2021-02-15 04:14:17

The white color you added to the room helped balance the red and black colors. Makes the room very light and welcoming.

2021-02-15 04:14:28
User 16004304

2021-02-15 04:15:23
Stranger Things Lover

Wow, this is very nice, I love it, And I will vote for you, and please check out my design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2021-02-15 13:21:58
User 6292819

2021-02-15 17:53:00

I think it looks great! Please check mine out

2021-02-15 18:01:57
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, you have followed the instruction. the colors you chose are amazing! Its so cool. I invite you to my project on page 110. I Am bit late.

2021-02-15 20:44:05

I know from experience that light-colored floors with reds doesn't work very well, but other than that I like it!

2021-02-15 21:04:52

How did you make the rug smaller?

2021-02-15 21:13:22
Stranger Things Lover

I think your design is really nice, I love your layout and where you have put stuff, I also Love the colors you have used and good luck on voting day!!!!!! Also please check out my design by clicking on my name!!!:)I am going to vote for you!!!!!

2021-02-16 11:53:40
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, you have followed the instruction. the colors you chose are amazing! Its so cool. I invite you to my project on page 110. I Am bit late.

2021-02-16 23:56:01

Its a very nice design. The room feels very peacful and thats chinese inough for me. Maybe a lighter floor would make this design stand up even more ( sometimes it helps to scale the floor up to make the floor accents look bigger)

2021-02-17 21:01:13

I like how the colors match and you can totally tell the theme. It looks straight out of a set for a movie. It looks really realistic, It's monochromatic. Nice wallpaper and carpet. I love the whole look. Great accessories choices. I think it's missing an accent wall. It's great overall! Please check out mine, make sure to comment!

2021-02-18 02:55:06
User 20244259

this fits the brief perfectly and the result looks AMAZING!!! The wallpaper is beautiful too. pls see mine on p.195

2021-02-18 12:21:06

hey Wass up I really love the was you put this all together would you please give me info on mine!

2021-02-19 23:03:29

Mine is on the last page

2021-02-19 23:04:13

Oh my goodness! Your such a good designer! Please tell me what you think of my design, by clicking my name!

2021-02-20 18:31:29
I'm Anonymous

That's really good! I love it! Please check out my design, and tell me what you think!

2021-02-21 20:42:11