
Comentarios (12)


sorry I accidently clicked "submit" but As I was saying, I decided to add the wallpaper to "spice up" the kitchen. Please comment feedback and Vote me if you like it!

2020-06-24 02:30:22
Hall Pat

Hola Adriana, podrías explicarme que es matchy-matchy? Disculpa mi ignorancia. Tu proyecto en encantador, me gusta como combinaste las paredes con el mobiliario, además pusiste mucho detalles y eso es adorable, el color dorado que colocaste le da más brillo y vida. Me parece que hiciste un gran trabajo, sin duda votaré por ti en cuanto comienze la votación :)

2020-06-24 05:09:23
Hall Pat

Dejaré por aquí unos links si no te molesta ;) Aquí el render de mi habitación:

2020-06-24 05:10:05

LOVE IT I will definitely leave a like for you I am Caled Sammy

2020-06-24 09:51:13

Hall Pat, disculpa me, pero básicamente solo significa que coincide demasiado con lo dorado.

2020-06-25 21:19:00
Keisha Lim

Thanks for the suggestions on my kitchen, I really appreciate it. I like the idea of black, but decided to go with some colors to make it more lively, and i left the wall white to make it stand out more, but i still really like your thoughts on it.

2020-06-26 03:09:12
Keisha Lim

I like that you choose to go with grey instead of black, it makes the kitchen seem more bright. And I really like all the gold you put throughout the kitchen, it's just the right amount to make it have color, but not too much.

2020-06-26 03:12:45
Hall Pat

Hola vote por tu proyecto, agradecería mucho si votaras por el mío :) Aquí un render de mi proyecto.

2020-06-26 09:20:43
Mr. Tomato

Hi,i voted for you and you did not vote for me :( so please vote for me or I WILL remove my vote. I would really appreciate it.Thank you.

2020-06-27 06:56:16

Hi! Your kitchen is lovely! I voted for you and I would really appreciate if you voted for me too. Thank you a lot in advance!

2020-06-28 09:14:16
modern house designer

Hi just voted, please vote for me or else I will remove my vote!!!

2020-06-28 14:34:56

its rly good! i like it! i voted for u, i would appreciate it if u would vote for me!

2020-06-28 16:26:30