
Comentarios (14)

Hall Pat

Wow! *.* Que bonita elección de colores. Muy refrescante y relajante. Me gustan mucho los detalles en un azul más brillante, como la alfombra, las mesitas, etc. Uso muy bien el espacio, incluso parece más grande. Muy bonito :)

2021-01-18 22:25:58

Here you can see the renders: https://planner5d.com/storage/s/d48c91c712eeb901d382aa2ccda163cd_1.jpg?v=1611007360 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/d48c91c712eeb901d382aa2ccda163cd_18.jpg?v=1611007187

2021-01-19 13:44:04

Rita , this is extraordinarily mesmerizing O.O ! its definitely one of my favs for this competition . its very soft, relaxing and well organized ! Welldone

2021-01-19 14:46:55

thanks for ur comment btw !

2021-01-19 14:48:35
Milica G.

Hi there :)! This is really beautiful! The bathroom looks georgeous in those fresh aqua blue and green tones! Wooden panels around the walls really give the countrystyle flare. Really, everything looks so elegant and sophisticated. Lovely job done here!

2021-01-19 16:26:21

Очень красиво! Задержалась, любуясь и рассматривая. Насыщенно получилось и интересно.!))) Заслуживает внимания конечно в первую очередь--стены-очень красивый цвет и отделка стены -бортик. Я хотела , но передумала в последний момент . Всё в тон, что очень приятно наблюдать.))) Эргономично и гармонично очень понравился проект!)

2021-01-19 18:19:43
Born to be Wild

Hey Rita, thanks for your comments. I love the Aqua blue theme you have used. The wooden paneling gives it the whole country vibe! Its a very classy look;

2021-01-20 04:38:52
Rizki Agustin

Wow. Hi rita Your design is very comfortable. neat and cool. I really like blue colors such as carpet, mirror, tables, etc really awesome. Good job and good luck.

2021-01-20 12:32:15

Спасибо большое за комментарий!)

2021-01-20 13:44:49

Ohhhhh I love Blues !!!!!! This is just adorable. It feels oceanic and cool. I would love to have a bathroom like this in my Dream House !!!!!! Superbb Well, I'm on pg.63 if you have some time, come and check out mine :)

2021-01-20 13:48:12
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very nice. I like the blue walls.

2021-01-20 20:31:42
Mari Mond

Olá, obrigado pelo comentário! E eu amei essa cor, lindo projeto.

2021-01-21 14:44:59

Szia, köszönöm szépen kedves szavaidat. Nagyon tetszik a szín kombinációd. És ez a kék árnyalat lenyűgöző, nagyon szép, imádom. :) Az elrendezés is nagyon jó lett, illetve a fa burkolat a falakon szintén remek. A szavazattal még tartozom, de rajta vagyok. :)

2021-01-22 09:00:49

Sikerült szavaznom.

2021-01-24 20:23:17