С наступающим! Нравится ваш дизайн!)))
2020-12-21 15:42:29This is super cool, I like it a lot! Great layout, great color accents and choice of colors and prints.
2020-12-21 16:45:03Hi, this is fantastic! I really like the layout, and the decor is very nice too, it makes a real Christmas feeling.
2020-12-21 18:42:08Beautiful idea the benches under the windows. Compliments! Merry Christmas
2020-12-21 19:23:18Thanks for your feedback guys. May peace be with us all the time. Merry Christmas!
2020-12-22 02:59:04Thank you very much for your comment. You have prepared a very nice project. The whole space works very festively, in a pleasant atmosphere. I will vote. I wish you happy holidays and good luck!
2020-12-22 06:42:48Красивый праздничный проект! Простите за предыдущее скудное описание, спешила. Нравится и умное распределение мебели и контрастное сочетаниее цвета. Со вкусом создан декор. Совпала идея с эркером))). Я тоже предпочитаю кирпич на стороне камина. Голос за мной)))...
2020-12-22 22:14:31Ольга, I appreciate your wonderful comments. It took me time to choose for a color on the wall, particularly the bricks, that would neutralize the green and red, and so they wouldn't also appear overwhelming.
2020-12-24 01:38:50Amazing attention to detail and great color choice! Breathtaking!
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