pls comment what u think even if u think its bad...
2020-12-15 02:24:58also I tried to add some color this time so hope u like!!!!! vote for me if u like!!
2020-12-15 02:25:25Like It!
2020-12-15 10:35:32Hi, the colors are beautiful! I like the curtains, and the living room part of the room. The cobblestone floor is a little strange, I could have imagined tiles better, but the overall effect is nice and harmonic.
2020-12-15 10:57:55ya tiles would have been better... thanks!
2020-12-15 17:45:23hi dream! hope you doing well. your design is pretty !love the bright colors, but I wish you've used a bit of red.(e.g. for parquet ) but anyway it's great!!! plz check mine on page 6.
2020-12-16 04:51:04Hellos!! Thanks for your comment on my page!! Your design is very nice and feels very homey. I really like the light green and the light woods together!! To answer your question on my page, I created the stairs by using shelves! For the upstairs, I used the resources that planner gave for the design battle, like carpets, beams, and shelves. Hope that helped a little and great design!!
2020-12-16 13:18:49Hello, Dream. Your design is very nice. it's simple, but things have a purpose, and are there for a reason. It's very pretty with the accents. Light green is a good choice. Thanks for your comment. I'll make sure you get my vote. Thank you - KittenDesigns
2020-12-16 14:00:22Thank you all so much for commenting! Thank you nikolas for telling me how you made the stairs and upstaries which was really god btw!
2020-12-16 19:35:48lovely design. hey thanks for the comment. the pillows are just abstract if you may call it that.
2020-12-16 19:59:36hello dream, it is a good design, perfectly functional and with a lot of aesthetics, the color palette is very much to my liking. great
2020-12-16 20:09:15Thank you! Ohhh now I get It brown.... thx for commenting.
2020-12-16 22:45:05El ambiente es limpio y fresco, además es espacioso y el echo de que las paredes sean blancas lo hizo más luminoso. La combinación con el color verde/menta es sin duda un gran acierto, en lo particular me gusta mucho aunque es de un estilo más moderno creo que lo hiciste muy bien ;)
2020-12-16 22:51:01thank you!!
2020-12-16 23:13:02Hi your project looks very pretty, but you could have chosen (stone section) tiles
2020-12-17 08:24:22I really like the way how you have arranged
2020-12-17 08:24:53HI Dream! First off, thank you so much for your nice comment! I really appreciate it! Now, for the design. I like the openness of it all, it feels like the space is bigger. The colors your chose are really nice. They are a good contrast, and that's something I liked. Overall, really good job! You have my vote! -Soccer :)
2020-12-17 13:55:26hi tankh for your comment
2020-12-17 18:22:29Thank you all for the comments!
2020-12-17 18:45:37Very nice project. I like the freshness of the colors, the harmony of these, the arrangement of the furniture in the roster. Nice. However, it seems to me that some typical Moroccan figure is missing, their design in decoration (paintings, ornaments). If it were, it would be perfect, it's so beautiful - that's my judgment. Well don't mind, please. If you don't mind, I invite you to view my project on p. 19. Thank you
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