Wow :O que elegante y moderno, gran elección de la paleta de color. Me gusta el acomodo del comedor, y la sala que sin duda es realmente creativa ;)
2020-12-01 06:18:49Este proyecto es muy elegante! Me gusta mucho, ese azul pega estupendamente me gusta mucho! Gracias por tu comentario y mucha suerte!
2020-12-01 09:50:27Hi Yeqoan, thanks for commenting on my design, really appreciate it :) Anyways moving onto your design I love the marble flooring, and the TV cabinet, I see that you've very patiently arranged tiny plants and pictures in the storage furniture, hats off to you for that! Good luck n' stay safe, bye!
2020-12-01 10:41:47Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very good. I like all the sailboats you added. I also like all the marble.
2020-12-01 17:04:32Привет! Понравился проект!) Очень симпатичная гостиная и кухня. Гармоничны цвета, красиво расставлена мебель. С декором поработал.
2020-12-02 17:42:09I love the floor! I also like all the blue and white! Awesome room! : D
2020-12-03 22:10:47Votado :)
2020-12-04 04:09:17голосую!)))
2020-12-04 09:29:17Хорошее решение--- разделение зон цветом! В итоге ----просторные большая гостиная и столовая! Работа смотрится как инь и янь..)))
2020-12-04 09:33:21Yeqoan, ur design will never fail to impress ! its very rich, elegant and luxurious. i like how u transitioned between dark walls and bright ones so smoothly ! well done ! u truly deserve my vote ! can u check my work and tell me what u think ? can u vote if u like it ? have a nice day :)
2020-12-04 17:31:27Wow Yeqoan! I'm sorry to came here so late in the competition but I have to say that your design has really impressed me. That's a modern, sleek and refined room. Very bright, very elegant. I love how you have used the darker walls to create that cozy dining room. It gives a stronger sense of intimacy. You have gone for a lot of stone in your room, which is an heavy gamble. I've to say that you found a beautfiul way to use it. The cabined in the same material of the floor is touch of class that I really liked. I love how you paied attention to the fabric of pillows and the pattern of rug! I love how you introduced several blue elements and how they stands out in your design! You have my vote! Godspeed!
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