I love the little window sill spot with the pillows. It is overall a great build. But I don't really like how the TV is in the way of the cupboards.
2020-11-09 23:33:33Please don't take this in a negative way though because you obviously have some talent.
2020-11-09 23:33:56This is such a nice design!!! Great job! I really like the way that you turned the window sill into a window seat! I also like the way that the dinning area looks (it looks very spacious and welcoming). Great job! Also, thank you for your comment on my design!
2020-11-10 01:56:14Interesting. It can be seen that an effort has been made. The kitchen part is especially tickling to me. I invite you to view my project on page 24
2020-11-10 12:32:48cool project
2020-11-10 16:10:22Wow thanks, u guys! U are all amazing!
2020-11-11 01:20:08OMG I LUV it I love the details and I can see all the Effort you made. I love the curtains and the little sofa where the window is. I especially love your kitchen!!! ^-^
2020-11-11 01:31:31an old town classic home as it should be, loving every thing about this design starting from the arrangement of furniture up to the color scheme ! I voted for u , would u mind voting for me too ? thanks :)
2020-11-14 12:35:47Hi! It's fantastic. The layout is imaginative. I like it and I voted.
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