
Comentarios (87)


Here are my renders, Living room Entryway Kitchen and dining room And finally the whole thing

2020-10-12 13:14:03

Have you checked out my renders?

2020-10-12 13:14:32

Take a look if you havent

2020-10-12 13:14:39

I havent watched friends.

2020-10-12 13:16:39

The entryway is by the coats/robes

2020-10-12 13:17:54
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:25:20

Are you rich in real life?

2020-10-12 13:27:42

Why do you ask?

2020-10-12 13:28:28
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:34:57

I was talking to kate

2020-10-12 13:36:59
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:37:42

you should just submit a project. It does not have to be that style. I did that for mine.

2020-10-12 13:37:50
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:38:39
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:39:15
User 15281715

2020-10-12 13:41:53
User 12006058

2020-10-12 13:42:37
Saulė Kardašaitė

Your design is so beautiful! It is rustic and cozy! The kitchen layout and little bar area are so clever! All the colors match perfectly and I really like the wooden beams! :) You did a great job, I must say!! I would appreciate it if you checked my design and gave your honest opinion (page 1) :) Good luck!

2020-10-12 14:12:03
Saulė Kardašaitė

Also, the renders look very good, but I wonder why is it so dark?

2020-10-12 14:12:41

I like the cleanliness but its very dark also You always win I'm only 9 and it's my birthday today so yay please vote for my design my name is kate!

2020-10-12 14:20:28

Also why I asked about you being rich is cause you win every time plus it looks like you buy the editing your furniture?

2020-10-12 14:22:33
User 15281715

2020-10-12 14:59:37
User 15281715

2020-10-12 14:59:50
Rizki Agustin

I like yor room. It's good. Please vote me. I will vote you back

2020-10-12 15:07:35

Hey doggy!!! I changed my name btw! Your project is really amazing, and i really like how every week you do the project and it is absolutely fabulous, and you add your own special twist to it!

2020-10-12 15:38:15

My only advice, is that since you have added the cool ceiling design, it makes it a bit hard for everyone to see your whole project and the beauty of it! maybe next time dont do it, so we can see it properly! Once aain i say, you must tell me how you do your amazing fabulous designs!! You deff have my vote when it starts, please check my project out, leave your honest feedback, and vote when voting starts!! good luck!

2020-10-12 15:40:35

Omg, i just realized i didnt write my page number! im on page 4 i hope to see your honest feedback - not copy and pasted- soon!!!

2020-10-12 15:41:20

I like your name doggies!

2020-10-12 16:14:28

Also There wernt any chandeleers that matched my design so I put alot of floor lamps in but those were not bright.

2020-10-12 16:15:04

how did u do the pillars

2020-10-12 17:09:25
Izzy Moonlight ☾

It is nice, but I think Monica's apartment in "Friends" Is more colorful. Nice job though. Please check out mine! Thanks!

2020-10-12 18:50:48
User 13280614

2020-10-12 18:57:15
User 13280614

2020-10-12 19:08:05

Thanks Doggy!

2020-10-12 20:03:42

I checked your renders! they are really cool!

2020-10-12 20:03:55

I would really apreciate if you can leave honest feedback on my project too, at page 4 ;) good luck!

2020-10-12 20:04:35

Very nice, i really like the dark blue you did. Check mine out if you´d like and Good Luck!!

2020-10-12 23:59:25

The combination of blue and gray goes well.

2020-10-13 03:04:54

I really like it although it is a bit hard to see the design b/c of the ceiling. And it doesnt really look like her home. But thats ok because i still really like it. Check out my design too please!

2020-10-13 13:23:57

Hi everybody! When I tried to enter it was not working for me so I could not get on the first page but here I am. Please vote if you like my design and also make sure to check out my renders in the comments! I worked really hard on this design and I have not watched freinds so I just made a appartment. I hope you enjoy and also please NO COPY AND PASTED COMMENTS! They may help you win but are not fun for anybody else. If you have something I should fix, write it in the comments and if you enjoy my design write that. Also doungun please dont put down others in your account or anybody elses. Thanks so much and you can be a doggy too! Just change your name and pic to a doggy and then you are part of over 45 doggys on planner 5d. Bye, stay safe and WOOF!!! (make sure to check out my renders)

2020-10-13 14:46:11

Primer de todo perdón por replicar tu descripción ha sido un error del ordenador.

2020-10-13 14:47:11

Y después... No has seguido la temática del tema, vamos como siempre. Tiene gracia que digas que no se pongan comentarios de copia y pega porque tu eras el primero en poner unj monton. Dices que te ayudan a ganar, y tienes toda la razón, así es como tu has ganado todas las veces y no porque hayas trabajado duro ni por tu esfuerzo. Y molestan mucho esos comentarios, y ahora lo dices porque si tu los pones no molesta pero si te los ponen a ti si. NO es justo y la gente está harta de decirlo. NO TE MERECES GANAR.

2020-10-13 14:47:24

i like your project! check mine on page 16!

2020-10-13 15:28:35

this is very cozy and nice I tried hard so please check mine out on page 14 or 15

2020-10-13 16:44:17

I have also never seen friends because I didn't grow up on what ever show it was on I grew up on PBS kids

2020-10-13 16:46:31

wow! me encantan los colores y me encanta como has trabajado el tema, lo que me gusta mas es la cocina, has tenido muy buena idea en ponerla asi!

2020-10-13 20:44:38

Hi Doggy! I love the color scheme of your apartment! It is definitely so relaxing and has a modern feel to it. This is my first week in the design battle and I would love it if you checked it out and commented your thoughts about my design. I'm looking for feedback so I know what to improve on. (My design is on page 19) You've got my vote btw!

2020-10-13 21:01:07
Madeline Cyfko

ewwww it looks bad..oh wait this isnt want I am thinking sorry

2020-10-14 01:10:04

Thanks everybody, the bad comments are fine, and Laura, I did copy and past but now I am smarter so I dont. Look at any design and I have not copy pasted a comment. Also atleast I didnt say I was a kid when I was actually a adult.

2020-10-14 13:03:01

Perdona, pero tengo 13 años y no se de donde narices te has sacado que soy un adulto

2020-10-14 13:34:49

A si que no vayas contando mentiras, porque eso no cambia lo que hiciste

2020-10-14 13:35:12

y ademas, no se como lo has hecho pero en 2 meses no puedes aumentar tu inteligencia.

2020-10-14 13:35:42
Izzy Moonlight ☾

The layout is really nice. I am on pg 11 if you want to see mine and comment on it too if you want

2020-10-14 15:50:53
Maryna Denyschenko

Hi, I like what you did in general and especially your attention to the ceiling, great job. The sitting area looks perfect to me. Also chosen colors are very calm and in harmony with each other, although they are a bit dark for my taste. A piece of critic from my side - I am not sure if such placement of fridge is optimal, because it divides the kitchen countertop into 2 pieces which may be not really comfortable for cooking. Also fridge prevents access to the window, the same as hanging kitchen cabinets right near the window. Also that little plant between couch and the door may be obstacle for people and suffer from everyone clinging to him. I hope you find my remarks useful and not get offended, because I really like what you did, just looked at it from very practical point of view.

2020-10-15 09:02:22
Micaela Maccaferri

Hi Doggy. I think that maybe you didn't understand anything.... you should have reproduced the Monica's home from serial Friends...:-) But maybe you are too young to know this and therefore too young to partecipe to this contest.....

2020-10-15 16:18:29
Izzy Moonlight ☾

Even though Doggy does not know Friends does not mean that she can't be in the contest! By no means can you tell her she can not participate. She tried her hardest on this contest!

2020-10-16 01:32:16
Izzy Moonlight ☾

And what about this, the contest was to make a home FOR Monica, not make the home she already has.

2020-10-16 03:15:56
Izzy Moonlight ☾

I will vote for you, Doggy, because this project is amazing!

2020-10-16 03:17:09

Lovely combination of colours and I love this open concept kitchen!

2020-10-16 09:42:06

Thanks, And I am not trying to win I just want to have fun

2020-10-16 11:41:34

so I did a different design that smore fun for me to design.

2020-10-16 11:41:46
Happy doggy

Just so everybody knows voting is broken (or atleast for me) so youll have to click on the project and when you are looking at the layout there will be a button above that says vote or next, click vote and it will count.

2020-10-16 11:49:26
Happy doggy

because normally you could just scrool down and then click on like next to the persons name but that is not working.

2020-10-16 11:50:03

Thanks happy doggy

2020-10-16 11:53:21
User 12006058

2020-10-16 17:56:20

Hey! I love the blue-gray! Very nice. It feels.... How to put this... Chill?whatever. It's very nice. I voted, And am on page 14 if you wanna see mine :3

2020-10-16 18:22:00

Also... I have a confession to make.. I'm... A CAT PERSON ;w; But I also love dogs! ;w; Please don't banish meh

2020-10-16 18:23:20
Izzy Moonlight ☾

Hey people have opinions!

2020-10-16 19:20:17
User 15281715

2020-10-17 00:15:14
User 15281715

2020-10-17 00:15:31
Izzy Moonlight ☾

Voted! I am on page 7. I think you will win this week!

2020-10-17 04:52:53

looking tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good

2020-10-17 14:04:12

do check mine on page please do vote me if you like

2020-10-17 14:06:44

thanks everybody!!!

2020-10-17 15:06:35

Check out a bedroom that I made

2020-10-17 15:48:40
Izzy Moonlight ☾


2020-10-17 16:00:48
Rizki Agustin


2020-10-17 22:08:59


2020-10-17 23:02:27

please check my project out on page 4 too!

2020-10-17 23:02:39

Thanks, And i will check out all of yours.

2020-10-18 12:15:44

I love it!!!

2020-10-18 12:54:10

I hope you win and I voted for you!

2020-10-18 12:54:21
Saulė Kardašaitė

Hey, voted for you! Check out my design on page 1 :)

2020-10-18 15:43:16

Thanks, and please dont copy and paste

2020-10-18 17:49:44
Saulė Kardašaitė

I do not copy and paste, I always try to write honest opinions. If you don't believe me, check the higher comment I left for you on your design on October 12th :)

2020-10-18 18:18:03

I wasnt talking to you specificly. I was just saying it so if anybody tries to copy and paste they know I dont like it.

2020-10-18 23:57:21

i like your design

2020-10-23 17:55:56

Its really nice.

2021-02-17 21:08:04