Diseña una cocina con comedor en tonos oscuros.
Hi! I love how you have the blue and the black. I also liked how you kept the original floor and the pictures on the one textured wall. good job!
2021-05-17 11:54:06Love the blue and black! It all matches so nicely. I also like the kitchen set you choose, good job!!!
2021-05-17 14:34:08Wow !!! It looks like a country-style dark kitchen room and it looks great. I loved the blue touches and nice layout too...Good luck :)
2021-05-17 15:03:43Bela cozinha, muito bom!
2021-05-18 13:22:39Hi, nice design, really cool. Well done!
2021-05-19 00:16:57Hi, this is looks soooo pretty! I'm almost speechless! Good luck :D
2021-05-19 05:03:41A wonderful project! As far as I can see you are already a specialist! After all, you have so many projects that it will take your breath away! And as I said above, you can immediately see that this work was done by a specialist. I will definitely vote for your work. I ask you to see (I certainly really want, but still it's your decision) to vote for my work and of course it will be incredibly pleasant for me if you write a comment (maybe even with criticism) under my work!)))))
2021-05-21 16:44:43Anteriormente te registraste con estos correos electrónicos:
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