Dormitorio de lujo

¡Diseña un dormitorio para tus padres!


Comentarios (8)

Born to be Wild

Hey, thanks for liking my render. Your profile pic is so cute is that your cat? You have a great design, especially with the gold toned wall paper! Super stuff. All the best!

2021-05-14 07:33:13
Elsa Adams

Goodness, I love yours! Love the colour scheme! Remember to check me out and like my things!

2021-05-14 16:38:44

thanks Born to be wild no its not my cat i don't have a cat And thanks Elsa Adams i will check yours

2021-05-15 01:24:50

love the red!!! uhh orange i mean. axtually gold. oh well

2021-05-16 00:28:31


2021-05-16 01:27:57

thx btw

2021-05-16 01:28:06

Hi Squierealkit, thank you for your comment. My answer to your question is that the flower pot is made of shelves. I like your project. Good layout and color scheme. I especially like the makeup table and armchair on the podium.

2021-05-16 15:04:37

thanks !!

2021-05-17 00:36:48