Diseña una sala festiva con una mesa de comedor para celebrar el Día de la Madre.
My design for todays project. pls like!
2021-04-26 01:09:41Wow, I love every single thing in there it is really pretty. Thanks for your feedback
2021-04-26 01:41:13I will like it on the voting day :) >3
2021-04-26 01:42:07thanks
2021-04-26 01:43:38wait your grade 5. I'm turning Grade 6 :) (were also in the same country)
2021-04-26 01:44:37really in the Philippines I'm also turning grade 6
2021-04-26 01:53:57Oh i am going into grade 7. I live in the USA. Random question.. do u ski because I do it’s so fun! But I love this! Please check out mine and look at the description below
2021-04-26 02:22:18oh ok Its the OG designer where is your work for me to check yours out
2021-04-26 02:32:20oh wow, I really like the dining table and the bookshelves there very nice I love the colors you have used. great job and good luck please check out mine on page 9.
2021-04-26 12:37:38i like the dark theme of it and i think the layouts nice but the only thing i do not like is the floor. good job!
2021-04-26 14:35:37Thank you for your comment. your room looks nice. I like the colors.
2021-04-26 18:56:02Thanks guys pls check my other project by clicking the name
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