Habitación en el Ático

Diseñe una cocina y una sala de estar en el Ático.


Comentarios (11)


Here are my renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/TP6Q8/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/TP6PJ/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/TP6QY/

2021-04-06 13:44:48
User 20244259

wow the renders look so nice! loving the brightness of the yellow, the large tv and the cushions. very well done and good luck. please see mine

2021-04-06 13:53:57

Thanks so much, The Genius Of Design!!!

2021-04-06 14:08:25

This looks so inviting!!! Please check mine out!!

2021-04-06 14:53:41

I love the colours and I agree with Britany, it’s really inviting! The layout is so cool and I love the placing of the dining table! I really like the textures on the pillows in my opinion it brings more life into the project! I also love the island in the kitchen and it’s really nice overall! Please can you check mine out by clicking on my name :-)

2021-04-06 15:14:36

Thanks so much, Britany and Mia!!! I will check out both of yours!!

2021-04-07 00:41:18

I had trouble finding a color for the walls, so I searched penthouse colors, and a color called penthouse came up, and this was it. So that's the wall color if you guys wanted to know.

2021-04-07 01:02:44

Hi, Doggy I really like your design it`s very cute. I love the living room area it looks so cozy and so cute I love it. I love the colors you have use .nice choice. and good luck please check out mine on page 11.

2021-04-07 01:40:13

Thanks so much, Baraa!!!!! I will check yours out.

2021-04-07 13:36:51
User 20244259

your welcome;) please see mine

2021-04-07 20:03:45

I did!!

2021-04-07 21:25:18