Diseñe una cocina y una sala de estar en el Ático.
You deserve to win! This is so cool! The fire place is so sick! I think it isn't like a penthouse but I love it! Please see mine!
2021-04-05 17:06:03omg! This is AMAZING and INCREDIBLE! It has so much packed into it but it’s so perfect! I love the way you’ve divided up the spaces and it works so so well! Please can you check mine out and give me feedback by clicking on my name!
2021-04-05 17:15:05Imprecionante y muy pero muy creativo :O no tengo palabras. Es un gran trabajo *.*
2021-04-05 17:37:10Szia! Igazi penthouse hangulata van, nagyon tetszik az elrendezés, jók a térelválasztók! A könyhapult oszlopok különösen tetszenek a világítással. Az álló képek a polcon is nagyon jól néznek ki.
2021-04-05 18:33:07wow!!! this is such an interesting design. I love the shelves on top of the bar and the way you have created room dividers is both innovative and functional! also love the pops of orange. well done and good luck. please see mine.
2021-04-05 18:42:07Привет.) Умный проект!)) Мне очень понравилась идея разделения зон-- красивой барной стойкой и перегородкой.
2021-04-06 21:39:15Thank you all of you :))
2021-04-08 19:06:21Спасибо большое за добрый комментарий! Успехов в творчестве!!!
2021-04-08 19:15:13Woah so cool
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