Diseñe una cocina y una sala de estar en el Ático.
Hi everyone, this is my design and btw I am on page 46!!! Good luck to you all and have a lovely day!!!! also happy late easter!!!
2021-04-05 11:03:43Hi first of all thanks for the lovely comment on mine! I love how clean and fresh your design feels! The colours are so nice and it feels relaxing and also a great space to play games with friends and family! I love the island by the kitchen as that doubles up for storage and a space to eat! Overall an amazing job and best of luck!
2021-04-05 11:22:39This is an amazing design and it’s definitely in one of the top ten that I have seen. But maybe make a bright accent next time? Good job and thanks for the feedback
2021-04-05 14:11:55Hi, Stranger Things Lover You have a very beautiful design this week! I really like the kitchen colors there very simple and cozy . also, I love the living room area with all the pillows. it`s very nice. good luck and please check out mine on page 11.
2021-04-05 14:33:51Hey Stranger Things Lover, thanks for your comments. I love the overall layout and the subtle grey theme used, which looks calming and cosy. Only one thing I might have added is a few more pops of colors :-)
2021-04-05 16:04:48Hey Stranger Things Lover, I luv ur design. all the different shades of grey fit perfectly in this space. good luck on voting day. please can u check out my dessine. (I am on page 85 by the way.)
2021-04-05 16:19:25Wow! Nice job. This is very..... well it looks like a penthouse. I love the colors as well. Please see mine!
2021-04-05 17:12:49Thank you so much!!!!!
2021-04-05 18:13:50hi, i love the monchrome scheme! I love thekitchen area, the shelving along the wall and the 3 pictures! well done and good luck. please see mine.
2021-04-05 18:39:19Que relajante lugar! Un trabajo muy bonito sin necesidad de estar sobrecargado. Me gusta mucho como baja las escala del color en las baldas en la pared un detalle muy interesante :) Muchas gracias por tu comentario lo aprecio mucho.
2021-04-05 20:15:17This is very nice! I like the colors and the dining room is perfect for many people =)
2021-04-06 02:04:27Very beautiful and I love where the sofa and kitchen is placed! I went onto your account and you only do design battles but I think you should design some houses because you have talent!
2021-04-06 07:09:36thank you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2021-04-06 09:25:27Also Annabella Grace Lara, I don't know how to do Published Reders and Published Projects.... But thanks for saying I have talent!!
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