Potato chip

Comentarios (21)

User 9424078

2020-08-17 03:35:33
Hall Pat

Me gusta el concepto y la originalidad de tu esquema de color, lo único que no me agrada tanto es ese almacenamiento junto a los sofas, no digo que sea malo pero creo que pudo verse mejor sin el o en alguna otra posición. (Claro que solo es mi opinión sin ninguna intención de ofenderte.) de ahí en fuera creo que lo has echo bien :) Espero que puedas visitar el mío y dejar un comentario o sugerencia, estoy en la página 3.

2020-08-17 04:24:10
slither.io queen

i love turquoise its my favorite color, please see my project, its the one above yours

2020-08-17 04:45:08


2020-08-17 04:53:10

This design is very cozy and warm. Very cool idea for blue walls as well. Great job. :) Please check out my design on page 10, I will really appreciate it! :)

2020-08-17 15:42:01

hi I love the double couch! I am on page on if you would like to check mine out

2020-08-17 22:13:06
User 13280614

2020-08-18 04:44:27

I disagree with you, you do know how to design! I love the colors, very bright and cozy, and also I love the double couch. Nice job!

2020-08-18 09:40:13
Sophie Lyons

Wow, I think it was so ingenious how you put the two couches back to back so you could have one section of TV and one section of the fireplace! Nice job! I am the eighth person on page 1 if you want to see my design!

2020-08-18 23:40:09
Sophie Lyons

BTW, your design is really cute with that blue!

2020-08-18 23:40:37

cozy design....good job, i vote 4 thiz...vote mine too

2020-08-19 04:01:25

a beautiful design that warms people. your design is nice. If you want to see my design on page 22.

2020-08-19 09:57:39
User 9424078

2020-08-21 00:47:57
Hall Pat


2020-08-21 02:44:53

Really cool!! Please check out my design on page 10, as listed above. thx!

2020-08-21 19:35:48

I really like it.

2020-08-25 14:24:47