Mitglied seit 2020
Veröffentlichte Werke von Wettbewerben
When you enter the office, there is a soft burgundy carpet to welcome you. Looking to the left, you see a wooden shelf with a plant nearby. Looking to the right, you can see a plan and a painting. Finally, when looking in front of the door, there is a black desk, a computer, a light bulb and a pile of books.
When you enter the room, you are faced with a black desk, with books and a purple lamp. In front of the desk there is a red chair. Near the desk there is a yellow cabinet and a seedling. To the right of the door there is a yellow wardrobe, with a red-covered bed opposite. Finally, next to the carpet under the bed, there is a window with two purple curtains, a painting depicting Brooklin Bridge and three plants.
When you enter the kitchen, on the left there is a table attached to the wall, with four chairs. In front of the table is the main cabinet, with a sink, a container for dishes and cutlery. In front of the door there is a painting and a plant. To the right of the door there is a painting that occupies the whole wall and below it a plant.