i like the blue but you have stuff floating in the middle of room
2021-01-19 15:11:44I would say using a solid color against a wood tone makes it look more modern than country.And you have stuff floating around the bathroom.Overall you did a pretty good job!
2021-01-19 18:23:10oh and dont forget to check out my project!
2021-01-19 18:23:48I like how you put a washer in the bathroom, can you check mine out on page 82
2021-01-19 18:57:35hi, I love yours the colors are amazing check mine out on page 170 hope you like it.
2021-01-19 19:15:41pretty good princess blaze well I fucken hate you course it looks good biche
2021-01-22 01:07:24HELLO DESIGN PEOPLE! I have a 3 fusion theme to my country style bathroom - (Classic, modern & tropical). OPEN TO DESIGN CRITICS TO IMPROVE MY STYLING IN THE FUTURE. Check here➡️ PG. 426, Rose
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