Born to be Wild

Kommentar (10)

Raisa saluja


2020-12-28 11:08:27
Cute Doggy

Wow! Well done Born To Be Wild! I love all the soft wood tones and the fight warm feeling to it. One thing I would I to point out is that the fire place is in a weird places. I love the placing of all the furniture and the colours! Please visit mine on page 14 and comment! Thank you! :)

2020-12-28 15:08:15

love the design and the presents on the cabinet. Mine is on page 51 if your intrested. Happy new year

2020-12-28 17:33:25

Hi Born to be wild i love your project i really love the wood its feel cozy and Cute Doggy wes right the fire place to place but you still have a good talent to make this project come see mine on page 7

2020-12-29 01:15:29

Hi, I love the yellow lights, they look really good. The pattern of the accent wall is great too. It was a good idea to put in a TV couch. The room has a nice cozy atmosphere. Happy New Year!

2020-12-29 14:10:21

An interesting combination of colors in general. It works very warm, I wish you a nice New Year's Eve.

2020-12-30 05:53:25

Привет! Спасибо за комментарий. ))У вас тоже всё гармонично и красиво.. Понравилось сочетание цвета! Ничто не напрягает взор. Яркий диван здорово вписывается и как яркий акцент, создаёт настроение...Каждый уголок продуман для отдыха)) Покачаться у окна в кресле, тоже удовольствие доставляет!))))) Сочетание дерева и узора на стене , с некой восточной ноткой, впечатляет тоже))

2020-12-30 08:51:59

Cute but the wallpaper is not my favorite

2020-12-31 14:35:48

Hi! I like the layout and the color scheme. Very nice design. Happy New Year! :)

2020-12-31 16:02:14


2021-01-02 08:22:19