Hi Erin :)! Thanks a lot! You are right, maybe I used too many presents :)), one can store a part of it for the next year.
2020-12-21 16:28:21Milica! Que bueno verlo, wow! Este ambiente es totalmente navideño y hogareño, me encanta la tela de los sillones logro que fuera perfecta con el tema es un trabajo hermoso! Me encantan las sillas diferentes son un toque divertido y diferente :) un diseño encantador como siempre. Me gustaría mucho saber su opinión de mi trabajo en la página 3, si no es problema claro. Sucede que existe una cuenta que tiene mi nombre y una foto de perfil que usaba antes, lo menciono para no tener confusiones :)
2020-12-21 17:31:57Thank you for your comment and I will check your project at page 3, I don't know how I manage to skip it?!
2020-12-21 17:41:50Hi Happy Doggy!
2020-12-21 17:46:20I rembember that name, but did't know it's yours. There are quite many of you doggies, can't rember you all :).
2020-12-21 17:50:15And thank you for your comment, I get what you mean :). Well we all have different taste levels, I personally find it awsome :).
2020-12-21 17:52:46Of course it offended me, it hurts when such critique comes from such design expert :(. Don't be this cruel next time, it breaks my heart :).
2020-12-21 17:58:58Hi, thanks for your comment. I love the garlands and the curtains. The walls look great, and also the checked sofa and armchairs. The decor really fits Christmas, the Santa makes it all very cheerful, and that enormous amount of presents! I wish you the same, and very happy holidays!
2020-12-21 18:03:05You are very tallented for a 10ys old Doggy, I mean it.
2020-12-21 18:23:54Thanks a lor Rita :)!
2020-12-21 18:24:11* a lot :)
2020-12-21 18:25:06Привет! Действительно праздничная обстановка благодаря сочно красному цвету. Понравился текстиль, что дополнительно напоминает о домашней атмосфере... Расположение стола у окна, да ещё с контрастными стульями!) Мне понравилось всё. Молодец!
2020-12-21 18:39:13Thanks a lot for your comment Olga, I'll check your project in a minute.
2020-12-21 18:43:01hello milica what a great use of colors for the Christmas atmosphere, please check my design on page 22 ... and happy holidays
2020-12-21 18:55:48Thank's a lot Adria Nok and happy holidays to you, too :)!
2020-12-21 19:10:13Very nice project Milica.. If you want and have the time, I invite you to rate my project on p. 23. I wish you happy holidays
2020-12-21 22:32:22Thank you Tatjana.
2020-12-22 07:40:52Голосовала!
2020-12-23 15:59:21Thanks a lot Olga :)!
2020-12-23 18:11:04нотки стиля лофт )) яркий дизайн, представляю в этой обстановке веселую дружную компанию! Счастливого Рождества!
2020-12-25 09:39:52Хвала Викторија :)! Срећан Божић и Нова Година :)!
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