Привет! Ждала как всегда полюбоваться вашей работой! Очень красивое сочетание выбрано зелёных тонов и удачно подобранный текстиль к плитке напольной и дереву. Понравился очень декор из мозайки на стенах. Всё спокойно, не пестрит красками. Очень милая уютная обстановка. ))))Великолепная работа, душевная....
2020-12-15 21:03:35Here you can see the renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S5NQJ/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S5NQL/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S5NRR/
2020-12-15 21:06:27Да, решила на сей раз воспользоваться подиумом для выделения гостиной!))))) Спасибо Елена, рада, что вам понравилась моя работа)
2020-12-15 21:16:01Wow, this is beautiful! I fell in love with the walls, the color is amazing, and the tiny tiles look great. The decor tiles are fantastic. I like the bookcases, good combination.
2020-12-15 22:26:26Wonderful, Elena. This is one of the best products this week. You deserve to be among the first. Can I promote your product to others? I really like it. Stylishly perfect, innovative (how beautifully you made the design on the coffee table from round pictures - great!). If you don’t mind, you can find my project on p. 19
2020-12-16 04:19:34WOW Elena how impressive ! ur colors,tiling and decor are beyond amazing ! what really grabbed my attention was the console at the entry with the frame , i also dont deny i love the Arabian night seating area with many cushions ! well done ! would u mind checking my design and telling me what u think of it ? have a nice day :)
2020-12-16 09:18:42Hola Elena, lo primero que encontré fueron sus renders, y verdaderamente son preciosos, tomaron perfectamente la esencia de su proyecto. Un diseño hermoso como cada semana :)
2020-12-16 22:45:11Wow, beautiful, as always. I love the distribution and the colors. I really love the decoration in the walls. Congratulations, it's beautiful.
2020-12-17 19:12:03Голосовала! Спасибо большое за комментарий))
2020-12-18 09:00:48Hi Elena! This design is so much all the things that your are. Elegance, creativity, a strong and sofisticated sense of style, passion for design. The colors that you have used are from a dream. Those green are breath taking! I love how you plaied with two different shades of that color, creating dept and a focal point, with the rug, that draw your attention. I love how theatrical is this room. The tiles are a beautiful way to create an immersive pattern that create a cinematic effect. (Continue).
2020-12-18 18:21:01You used a lot of diferent materials! A beautiful dance that capure you attention and makes you wish to live there. Even the coffe table is a piece of art! The pattern of the rug capture your attention and I love how it works with the fabric of your cuscions. It is a rich and very detailed design! The layout is simple and very beeautful. You definitly nailed it! I've got only one problem... I'm trying to vote for you but there is something wrong and my vote is not going to you! I'll try again later. Please, can you check my project on page 4? Godspeed with your project!
2020-12-18 18:32:14Hi, thanks you all for your comments and vote. I will try to vote for you too!
2020-12-19 08:56:35Hi Elena. Please, do not try to vote for me. This system is one of the most ideous and idiotic things ever seen on internet. You have a busy, real life out there. Me too. So, from now on, I'll keep following the designers that I love and of course, looking for new one. I will keep writing reviews about other people projects and I'd like if you will be that kind to do the same for me. Of course, if you have the time and if you wish to do so. Buon Natale, to you and your family.
2020-12-20 01:18:33Hi Elena! It's beautiful. I like the color scheme. The many pillows are fantastic. I really like the decoration on the walls.
2020-12-20 09:32:07Are you copying my project ? or am i dreaming
2020-12-22 17:20:46You did exactly the same layout furniture of mine
2020-12-22 17:21:23Sie haben sich zuvor mit diesen E-Mails angemeldet:
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