hello Tatjana, ur design has truly got the Moroccan spirit is optimally maximalist and colorful ! great job !!!would u mind checking my project and telling me what u think of it ?
2020-12-14 20:17:54Wow! What a fun design! Thank you very much for your comment. I do agree with you, but when I was designing, I really had no idea what "Moroccan Style" was, so I just kind of did a modern concept. You have my vote!
2020-12-15 14:00:30Hello, thanks so much for commenting on my design. This house is truly a masterpiece! All the patterns give it a nice pop of color. I love the detailing with the wood panels as well. The layout feels very comfortable and homey. The "cabana" type area out front is so beautiful and somewhere I can imagine people relaxing. Small features like the garden are nice additions. I can tell you took lots of time on all of the details. Great job, you have my vote!
2020-12-15 14:38:24Thank very much Sarina, Soccer_And_Design and Menna, You also have my voice.
2020-12-15 14:40:49Hola! Gracias por tu comentario! Te contesto a tu pregunta: si en Marruecos en las casas se come en el suelo, con una alfombra donde las personas se quitan los zapatos antes de sentarse. Tu proyecto es muy bonito, se nota que has trabajado mucho en ello. El rojo y el amarillo quedan perfectos juntos. Mucha suerte!
2020-12-15 15:11:35Привет! Очень красиво!)))Всё с любовью создано! На высоте!
2020-12-15 20:54:48Hi Tatjana! Your design is the literal definition of pretty, now I know what you mean by the colours of "moraccan style". The division's really cute and I love what you did with the exterior part, and it looks rather detailed and intricate. Thank you so much for your feedback on my design, good luck and happy holidays :)
2020-12-16 02:55:57OMG Tatjana, it looks you worked so hard in this !!! I really liked this creativity :) Good luck !!!
2020-12-16 07:24:03Hi Tatjana, thank you for checking my design. This is incredible! I can't even imagine how long it took you to create this masterpiece. The reds and yellows really help to create that Moroccan finish, along with all the designs and textures. Wow that lobby you have created is incredible! It must have taken so long. And there is even a bed is that extra room. I am speechless. I like the separation you have created for the kitchen and dinig area. Of course, as in any project, their are a few flaws that can be fixed, however overall this is 11 out of 10!! The few things i would want to be changed, is the long stick sort of object pointing out from the ceiling, and the roof of the extra room to be shorter. I really hope you get at least 2nd place, you really deserve it!!!! Good luck.
2020-12-16 09:27:17And you will definitely have my vote when it opens
2020-12-16 09:27:37sorry for such a long comment ;)
2020-12-16 09:27:45Najlepša hvala za vaš komentar Ljubitelj umetnosti. Hvala tudi za opozorila in pripombe. Ja se strinjam, da bi se dalo in moralo še kaj popraviti. Ampak za ta projekt sem porabila veliko manj časa, kot za prejšnjega. Uživam, ko to delam. Pozdrav, Tatjana
2020-12-16 11:34:42Thank you very much Mehaanshi
2020-12-16 11:35:13I am sorry Art lover. I forgot, that I didn't write in English. Thank you very much for your comment Art Lover. Thanks also for the warnings and comments. Yes, I agree that something else could and should be fixed. But I spent much less time on this project than on the previous ones. I enjoy doing it. Regards, Tatjana
2020-12-16 11:36:59Thank you Kaperfad, Baraa Al Zoubi, Ольга and Maria for the answer.
2020-12-16 11:38:23Hello, Tatjana! Thank you for your kind comment. I really like your design. It's bright, but the colors blend smoothly. I loved your advice! I'll make sure to use it whenever I can. I'll give you my vote as soon as I can. Thank you - KittenDesigns
2020-12-16 13:44:19Thank you KittenDesigns
2020-12-16 16:38:41Hola Tatjana muchas gracias por tu comentario y sugerencia, me hubiera gustado comentar antes pero me rebotó el proyecto varias veces, de cualquier forma, tu diseño es muy interesante, tiene una gran variedad de texturas y un uso de la madera interesante, me encantaron los colores brillantes y el acomodo, lindo diseño :)
2020-12-16 18:42:55Thank you Hall Pad
2020-12-16 20:37:17i can only use a liment of 9 things on and the battles
2020-12-17 06:43:36AHHH....you found a white/blue pattern. I did not find it. Good job! A lot of perfect color choices in your project. Such innovation. I also did not know the beam could be spun on that axis...amazing! Wish you had time to perfect it, but it is still spectacular!
2020-12-17 12:36:00I see you found some wallpapers and designs that help display the Moroccan design, and that is what I was lacking. Thank you.
2020-12-17 14:51:09I love it! Very Moroccan! You mixed it all so well and took your time to add so many details! You have my vote for sure!
2020-12-18 14:11:22WOW el mejor diseño que eh visto hasta ahora y el que mas se apega al estilo marroqui
2020-12-18 19:17:57Hey Tatjana, as always you come up with something majestic! I loved what you did, you have my vote this week AGAIN! Can you check my desgin this week? That would mean a lot, this week i really did something amazing and that i'm proud of, i think you're gonna like. Leave your comments too, i love to see what you think about my designs! VOTED
2020-12-19 01:57:37wow, i'm totally without words, great design!
2020-12-19 10:06:18hello i am manuela, i have 9 years ago, i am spanish. Your project is amazing !!!
2020-12-19 17:59:42Hi Tatjana! Your projects are always authentic. What a wonder you do with beams, I love those diagonal ones in repeating pattern. I also love bright corner seats and the way you played with colors and patterns. Hope also that I'll be able to stumble upon your project, seems like I'm getting same people over and over again, it's too much time consuming to go through all 1800 workes when your really want to vote up to 15-20 people, maximum, but I'll keep trying :). Good luck to you, too!
2020-12-19 20:36:03Hi! thank you for your nice comment on my project. Your design is very nice. Inclined beams with candlesticks are a very idea. The color combination is also a great choice.
2020-12-19 21:11:07Hvala Gabes, Milica in Manuela. Hvala Vale, Thayna, Adria, Mercedes, and Pica, ZAX, Actor and Brandie Wayman for yours beautifull coments. I wish all of you everything the best.
2020-12-19 21:54:07thank u ! i want to vote for u but i dont know how with this new update . any help ?
2020-12-20 12:01:40Thank you Rizki I don't know how to help. I'm also working my way through these pictures, looking for something to recognize. I’ve done 500 laps already. It annoys me that the same pictures are repeated. I would like to see that once you vote, that one no longer appears. We will have a hard time getting used to this system. But it is much fairer to me than the previous one.
2020-12-20 12:58:35Hola Tatjana descuida no me molestas en absoluto, todos los renders de los proyectos son tomados de la entrada, con mi cual se ve al fondo. En tu proyecto puedo ver perfectamente tu comedor, un poco de la sala y los muebles bajo la ventana, enmarcados por el arco/entrada que hiciste con las casillas, a mi parecer luce muy bien el ángulo. Gracias por su voto. Yo también e votado por usted con anterioridad :) buena suerte.
2020-12-20 15:56:17Con lo cual* perdón xD
2020-12-20 15:56:39Thamks Hatt
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