Milica G.

Kommentar (27)


Very creative design! I love the stone wallpaper and the way you placed the shelves to the left of the bed to look like art! Also, I really like the entrance you made it looks very natural! if you'd like make sure to check mine out and Good Luck!

2020-12-07 19:21:26
Milica G.

Hi Elle.xo! Thank you :)! I wanted to keep it simple and it really starts going to my nerves the fact that I am still not capable to do that :((! I'll check yours!

2020-12-07 19:24:29
Hall Pat

Hola Milica :)! Estoy imprecionado, este diseño es tan atractivo y colorido, con destellos rebeldes que se incorporan perfectamente entre si,además de eso se suma la creatividad de crear una nueva terraza. Todo en este proyecto es realmente original. Me encanta, más aún por qué no pierde el tema, de echo se fusionó de una manera increíble. *.* Es hermoso! Buen trabajo.

2020-12-07 19:48:02

Hi, it is very cheerful, colorful and eclectic, I love it!

2020-12-07 19:51:30
Milica G.

Hola Hall! Szia Rita! Thank you for your comments! These are my tropical colors! What I'm missing here is a huge parrot, it would fit perfectly :)!

2020-12-07 19:55:42

о! Здорово!!!! Ярко, насыщенно интересными деталями декора и расположением мебели. Очень понравился дизайн!))) Я тоже в своём проекте использовала нотки Мексики!)))

2020-12-08 13:56:46

Да, ещё помимо спальни привлекает балкон и пристройка с большим вкусом созданные!)

2020-12-08 13:59:06
User 15281715

2020-12-08 23:27:08
Milica G.

Thank you both, Ольга and Erin, for your comments and feedbacks :)!

2020-12-09 14:09:43

Спасибо Милика за комментарий)))

2020-12-09 16:16:40
Milica G.

Нема на чему Олга :)!

2020-12-09 16:17:49
Richard Brown

wow wow wow wow wow wow.

2020-12-09 17:31:24
Milica G.

Thank you Richard Brown :) !

2020-12-09 17:54:32

I will vote you Please vote mine

2020-12-10 22:54:31
Hall Pat

Llegué temprano (: tiene mi voto sin ningún compromiso.

2020-12-11 00:27:16
Richard Brown

i voted for you

2020-12-11 02:19:45
Rizki Agustin


2020-12-11 04:59:49

Hi Milica G.! Very beautiful project but where is the tropical theme?!

2020-12-11 10:18:30
Milica G.

Thank you all for your comments and votes.

2020-12-11 15:09:19
Milica G.

Phoenix, my tropical theme is perfect to my comprehension of what is tropical - a lot of green plants and colors of tropical fruits. By covering the space and complete furniture or textile with green color, that's not make the theme tropical, that is just too literal. It sais "brighten it up with some green accents" , not to cover everything with green." Thank you. If you have more qustion I'll be happy to answer.

2020-12-11 15:30:32

I voted.

2020-12-11 17:58:01
Milica G.

Thank you Rita :)!

2020-12-11 18:58:00

I voted for you,, because your project I like verry much. if you think my project deserves your vote, get it on p. 34. thank you

2020-12-12 13:13:18

Hi Milica G.! Thank you so much for your comment on my project. Your project is nice. I like the colors you worked with. I like especially the yellow decor element on the wall behind the bed. It reminds me of the rising or setting sun. It makes the space very intimate. You used a lot of decorations, but you skillfully placed them so the room doesn't look crowded. Shelves at the end of the bed with flowers are a great idea. I voted. :)

2020-12-12 20:41:06
Milica G.

Thank you too, for the nice comment.

2020-12-12 20:45:25

Thank you Milica for your voice

2020-12-12 22:57:08
Milica G.

You are welcome :) !

2020-12-13 20:57:28