Thank you seem nice want to be friends just tell me some about you
2020-12-01 21:59:11I am 33 But do not let the stop you from being friends I still act like a ten year old Lol
2020-12-03 22:53:27Okay So want to be friends
2020-12-04 11:30:49YES
2020-12-04 16:36:40You're Welcome
2020-12-04 19:49:24What is your email so we can text
2020-12-04 21:53:40OkAY
2020-12-05 14:26:07I has been hard with 3 kids cooped up in one house and and husband working from home on zoom. It is tiring. We are trying to look for houses for our little family of 5. We need at 4 bedroom and 4 bathroom at list. How have you and you family been your siblings and parents.
2020-12-05 16:55:38OH-My husband is a math teacher and her is doing online.
2020-12-06 14:31:03What else should we talk about
2020-12-08 19:08:30WHAT WHO IS YOUR CHILD
2020-12-08 19:23:07Ultima Hybrid Female Alpha
2020-12-08 19:30:07I never said anything thing her
2020-12-08 19:58:00mmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm i saw u say "Horrible"
2020-12-08 20:22:00No It is not the same person
2020-12-08 20:33:27Mhm want profe that it was u?!
2020-12-08 20:43:34you are not a mom because you can not spell I am a mom to a 3 year old and twin 1 and and half year olds
2020-12-08 20:52:55Oh i'm sorry i'm not perfect
2020-12-08 20:55:00I want to make sure
2020-12-08 21:09:15are you really give me reasons
2020-12-08 21:09:25They how do u want to do it
2020-12-08 21:09:51show me pic give me there real name ETC........
2020-12-08 21:26:40Whos??
2020-12-08 21:35:17YOUR CHILDERN
2020-12-08 21:37:12OOOOOOHHHH
2020-12-08 22:00:04GIVE ME
2020-12-08 22:30:04OKAY OKAY
2020-12-08 23:15:36Chillax
2020-12-08 23:15:47WHY
2020-12-09 11:30:45YOUR HORRIBLE
2020-12-10 00:36:51JUST GIVE ME INFORMATION
2020-12-10 12:23:57ABOUT WHAT LADY
2020-12-10 14:54:38YOU SELF LADY
2020-12-10 15:05:33really you should have a job to make money to make money for your kids ???????????????????????????????????????
2020-12-10 15:06:27OR I'LL JUST DO ONE FROM WHEN I WAS A KID OK?
2020-12-10 15:08:38WHAT >?>>??>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>?
2020-12-10 15:19:29THERE
2020-12-10 15:20:02I do not see anything
2020-12-10 15:31:52Hi sweetie
2020-12-10 15:36:32Oof sorry REFRESH THE DAMN PAGE
2020-12-10 15:37:31STILL DO NOT
2020-12-10 15:38:09SHE DID TO ME SHE EVEN CUSED
2020-12-10 15:40:19YEAH IT IS I think it is I will hunt you down
2020-12-10 15:42:53BRUH "Damn" ain't a dang cuss word
2020-12-10 15:43:14HAHAHAHA u don't even know i live bish i'm in the military
2020-12-10 15:46:21Sure
2020-12-10 15:52:58Es hora de que lo tome Soy el jefe ahora mismo No voy a fingir No cuando bajas Porque este es mi juego Y es mejor que vengas a jugar Solía contener a mi monstruo Ahora me estoy dejando ir Yo hago mi propia elección Perra, yo dirijo este programa Así que deja las luces encendidas No, no puedes hacer que me comporte Entonces dices que soy complicado Que debo estar fuera de mi mente Pero me tenias subestimado Clasificado, clasificado ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en tener confianza? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en tener confianza? Es hora de sacar las cadenas ¿Tienes la lengua atada? Porque este es mi terreno Y soy peligroso Y puedes salir Pero se trata de mi esta noche Entonces dices que soy complicado Que debo estar fuera de mi mente Pero me tenias subestimado Clasificado, clasificado ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en tener confianza? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de malo en ser? ¿Qué hay de mal
2020-12-10 15:57:28You can be amazing You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug You can be the outcast Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love Or you can start speaking up Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do And they settle 'neath your skin Kept on the inside and no sunlight Sometimes a shadow wins But I wonder what would happen if you Say what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down By the enemy Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing Bow down to the mighty Don't run, stop holding your tongue Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live Maybe one of these days you can let the light in Show me how big your brave is Say what you wanna say And let the
2020-12-10 16:10:36WHATEVER
2020-12-10 16:39:35U still there AMV???
2020-12-10 16:53:08Hi(: (: (:
2020-12-10 16:56:19Hi Des
2020-12-10 16:58:56Hi M
2020-12-10 16:59:54sorwyyy
2020-12-10 17:02:10Dustin says hi
2020-12-10 17:04:22SORRY I DO NOT SPEAK SPANISH
2020-12-10 17:08:05What???
2020-12-10 17:08:33shutup I am not talking to you
2020-12-10 17:09:05Ok but you don't have to be so mean.):
2020-12-10 17:10:54I am not
2020-12-10 17:11:50are too
2020-12-10 17:13:03okay
2020-12-10 17:14:16Okay we'll i speak Spanish AND since u can speak Spanish use google translate
2020-12-10 17:17:06She didn't mean that AMV
2020-12-10 17:25:16You still there AMV???
2020-12-10 18:03:40Yes
2020-12-10 18:09:12Okay i have a ?
2020-12-10 18:10:32okay what is it
2020-12-10 18:18:00What can i call u?
2020-12-10 18:24:52Aly that is my real name
2020-12-10 18:34:49Cute name and do u think i'm a little bit over pretective over my kids??
2020-12-10 18:36:39I guess I have little kids so they are not on any websites let you kids be free do not be over protective because when they get older you can still not protective
2020-12-10 18:38:11Okay Thank You But Do You Have A Email We Can Keep Talking On??
2020-12-10 18:42:55Sie haben sich zuvor mit diesen E-Mails angemeldet:
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