
Kommentar (8)


Hi Holly! Thanks for your comment on my project. I like your project and I voted. Good luck!

2020-10-30 15:32:50
Rizki Agustin

I like your design. I have voted you. Vote me too.

2020-10-31 10:37:07

Thank you.(●'◡'●)

2020-10-31 11:37:48

I like your design. I have voted you. Vote me too.

2020-10-31 12:37:45

Gracias por tu comentario y voto, también ame tu diseño, excelente gusto

2020-10-31 16:39:36

hiii nice project Holly I liked itttt, I voted!!!! check mine if interested in page 14

2020-11-01 06:32:46

Thank you. ╰(*°▽°*)╯

2020-11-01 07:01:54
Elena Z

Hi Holly, thanks a lot for your comment. I like your project, the different areas are well defined and you put a lot of detail into it. If I may suggest it , I think next time you could try to impress a little bit more of character to the room structure, maybe with some decorations or an accent wall. But it is just a personal opinion, probably because I do not like white walls so much... The project is good, I voted for you!

2020-11-01 07:42:03