Wow! Adriana Qué trabajo tan impresionante! Esos colores brillantes son muy vibrantes e impregnan la habitación de un estilo rebelde. Me parece que te luciste con este trabajo! Es increíble.
2020-10-27 03:30:32hi, the pops of green in your design looks stunning :) Overall the blackNWhite theme looks very nice. Love the layout as well Do check mine on Pg 6
2020-10-27 05:58:19Amazing !!!! The vibrant green in the black theme is just looking like "Cherry on the cake". Good work with the kitchen and refrigerator. Overall, I loved it all :)
2020-10-27 07:17:45Thank you guys so much!
2020-10-27 20:24:48How do you put things on the top part?
2020-10-27 22:53:56@Taylor You just click on what furniture you want, then it will show up on the first floor so what you're gonna want to do is click on the up and down arrows that show up when you click on the furniture, and just scroll up :) hope that helped!
2020-10-28 02:35:44I like it, in fact very much! I love your idea to have ground floor in white, first floor and walls in black and neon greens that connect two spaces into unique totality. Outstanding job!
2020-10-28 09:46:54Thank you so much Milica, It means a lot!
2020-10-28 22:09:33Hola Adriana, tienes mi voto, sin compromiso :)
2020-10-30 01:07:38Voted !! Good Luck !
2020-10-30 02:56:12voted!
2020-10-30 07:35:17Thank you Hall Pat :)
2020-10-30 22:43:31Thank you so much Mehaanshi and Born to be wild!
2020-10-30 22:44:01That's completely fine Melissa, not everyone likes this style of design :)
2020-10-30 22:44:47I like your design. I have voted you. Vote me too.
2020-10-31 07:49:14Voted, good luck to your project, it's one of the best to my mind!
2020-10-31 09:54:01I sure will Rizki / and thank you Milicia
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