Anoushka Sarin

Kommentar (4)

Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks really good. I voted for you.

2020-10-25 01:56:05

Hi Anoushka, I'm an Indian too, and I love your project. I lil' more decor and at least one light in each room would've been good, but I like it! I would appreciate it if you checked mine out :)

2020-10-25 14:43:54

I love it. So I vote for you. Please vote for me too.

2020-10-25 15:19:38

hi anoushka! i really like your design! very impressive at your first one!! check my project out on page 29 please voted for you, good luck!

2020-10-25 20:33:27