Nice! Your design is so light and airy! Your colors are so pretty! I hope you win! you make great designs every week and are an amazing designer! great job and good luck!
2021-05-24 15:38:19wow Your design looks very nice I love the colors and the wallpaper .it is very nice. great job and good luck please check out mine on page 7
2021-05-24 15:47:51Hi Sandhya...Loved your design :) It looks so unreal and lovely. The colors are different and look awesome. Overall, it looks very nice !!!! Good luck :)
2021-05-25 10:19:45Привет! Спасибо за комментарий)). У тебя очень уютный коридор с тёплым сочетанием цвета.)Красный акцент добавляет позитивности в этот динамичный дизайн! Всё с умом и вкусом расставлено. Мне понравилось!)))
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