come look at my design on page 4 plz. tell me how you feel about it!
2020-09-28 06:05:33I love the space, i dont think you added to much gold accents, i think there is just enough
2020-09-28 06:06:24I like the colours of the furniture - simple, sweet yet sleek
2020-09-28 06:14:32Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. I like the golden paintings.
2020-09-28 16:03:58You used mostly light colors, but the room still has a very warm feel to it.
2020-09-29 01:17:24Hi I really like yours its really cute. Please check out mine on page 20!!!
2020-09-29 23:43:49THANKS!!!
2020-10-01 02:27:52Hi! I really love your project a lot! I love the bedroom so much! AMAZING project! I already voted for your project. please vote for me on page 1! thanks!
2020-10-02 17:22:27Un poco más de oro le hubiera caído bien. Te invito a ver y comentar el mío al final de la pág 21. Dale me gusta si realmente es de tu agrado. Gracias y Saludos
2020-10-02 20:41:16Love your project Harpreet. It's very modern and contemporary. Please vote for me as I've voted for you. Thanks, Simran x.
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