Minimalistisches Wohnzimmer

Gestalten Sie ein modernes minimalistisches Wohnzimmer-Interieur.


Kommentar (3)


Minimalist Livingroom with lots of plants and an ocean view to feel so serene. Try to figure out what the faces are on the pots. Had a blast making this. Unfortunately, I did not see that the rug was off of the ground while I was in 3D Planner mode. Oops. :( My aim was to cast different light colors and cast them in the room. Notice the dog sitting on the cat blanket on the cats bed. Then, check out the cat sitting on the dog blanket on the dogs bed. To get the look of a minimal room. It must be cozy. Small patterns break up the room, an L-shaped bed/lounge sofa opens the room and color breaks subtly balance the room while not allowing more colors to match nicely and line of pinks break up the busy plant corner. I used the floor pattern to widen the room while using darker colors and tones to weight the room and to add depth.

2022-10-21 03:03:56

Sorry, I was nodding off to sleep. This is what it shouldve read: My idea of a Minimalist Livingroom with lots of plants and an ocean view to feel so serene. Try to figure out what the faces are on the pots. Had a blast making this. Unfortunately, I did not see that the rug was off of the ground while I was in 3D Planner mode. Oops. :( My aim was to cast different lights and colors in the room. Notice the dog sitting on the cat blanket on the cats bed. Then, check out the cat sitting on the dog blanket on the dogs bed. To get the look of a minimal room: It must be cozy so... Small patterns break up the room, an L-shaped bed/lounge sofa opens the room and color breaks subtly balance the room while not allowing more colors. To match nicely a line of pinks break up the busy plant corner. I used the floor pattern to widen the room: Using darker colors and tones to weight the room and to add depth.

2022-10-21 03:10:46

NOT:while not allowing more colors. While adding more colors. Autocorrect I assume or I just dozed off again. Zzzz...

2022-10-21 03:13:59