Hey, you commented on my design last week, and I'm sorry I couldn't reply before now. And thank you for the suggestion you gave me. Your design looks really cool. What you did with the three(Or six?) mirrors is very clever. If you have any suggestions for me this time, please tell me. My design should be on page 30.
2020-09-01 19:01:12Here you can see some renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S96W3/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S96Y9/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S96ZB/
2020-09-01 20:36:09Hi Elena, what a great design you pull out of your sleve. That's has certanly the wow factor. This is the second design that amalgam together classic and modern. Those pattern on the walls and fabric are so clever and eye-catchy! The choice of colors, very soft and well paired, it was a wise move! There is a sense of motion in that place and the floor link all together. But those panels on the wall!!!! I LOVE THEM! Seriously, I think this is one of the two most beautiful design I've seen so far. Please, have a look to my project at page 25 when you have a moment.
2020-09-01 23:36:38Hello my name is bibipro1 and your design is spectacular it's very cool. I'm on page 12, if you would like to vote for me, I would appreciate. Goodbye
2020-09-02 20:10:00Hi Elena, I voted for you.
2020-09-04 13:01:11Hi Elena, don't you worry! I really apreciate your review on my project. That corner wall is inspirated by Disney Fantasia. I think you know the movie. The rounds elements are just for color, they are ment to be stained glasses. If you look closer to the floor, you will see that each panel has a lamp. They should have been different types but I had available only that model. However the idea is switch off the chandelier and turn on those lamps to create cone of lights chanelled in the panels Believe it or not I tried to old my self with the other colors this time, expecially the walls. I actually like that color which is from a palette called Christmas silever and gold. You are the second one thati invited me to use something more bold. Good luck with your project!
2020-09-04 23:29:28Un buen trabajo como siempre (☆▽☆) me gusta el manejo que le diste al color azul. Resalta muy bien con la madera, votado! Te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto y dejaras un comentario o sugerencia en verdad lo apreciaría mucho :)
2020-09-05 02:38:13Muy bonito diseño. Buen trabajo. ¡Felicidades! Cumple con el desafío por los colores claros y el piano. Gran creatividad con los espejos y cuadros redondos. Hay detalles que por falta de tiempo no puedo comentar para ver todos los diseños y poder votar por los que más me gusten; sin embargo, estoy votando por ti sin compromiso. Te invito a ver el mío en la pág. N° 21. Le das me gusta, si realmente es de tu agrado, sino deja un comentario que también es de importancia y valioso para mí. Gracias y saludos. (Nota: Me hubiera gustado darte un comentario más detallado ya que soy muy observador y crítico hasta que algunos consideran que soy muy duro)
2020-09-05 16:46:28Vote por ti.
2020-09-05 16:46:35Thank you for voting for mine. I voted for your's as well.
2020-09-05 22:40:16voted
2020-09-06 12:56:03, lf k dhr
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