
Kommentar (58)


Hi guys, I hope you all like mine. If you do, please comment your opinion about mine and leave your page number so i can visit yours too. I will be sharing my render soon

2020-08-31 01:06:51
Hall Pat

Es elegante pero al mismo tiempo cálido, me gusta como colocaste los sofas. Bien echo.

2020-08-31 01:23:28
User 13280614

2020-08-31 02:09:19

Thank youu Hall Pat

2020-08-31 02:47:55

Thank youu Itz_Sushi

2020-08-31 02:48:12
Flame X Rose

woww, i really love yourss. I really love the wall color. I also love the color theme. Stay safe and goodluck :)

2020-08-31 03:37:37

Thank youu Flame X Rose. Stay safe too ^_^

2020-08-31 03:41:24

I love how you made the piano a key point its so cool. (I'm on page 4 if you have time/ want to check it out) :):)

2020-08-31 04:04:54

Thankss Anonymous:):) ^_^ i will check out yours

2020-08-31 05:14:02

HERE’S MY RENDER https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S9XRA/

2020-08-31 05:50:46
Boba T

Aww I love it I really like how the wallpaper is like a pastel yellow. If you wanna check out mine its on page 5.

2020-08-31 06:03:16

Thank youu Foxcraft ^_^ i will check out yours

2020-08-31 09:57:03

HERE’S MY RENDER. GO CHECK IT OUT https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S9XRA/

2020-08-31 10:11:29
Sim Dhanda

It's amazeballs I love it. By the way, thanks for visiting my project. Really love your design. Please vote for me when voting starts and I'll also vote for you. I'm on page 8. Thanks ;) Stay safe and stay well.

2020-08-31 10:26:00

Thank you Sim Dhanda. You too.. Stay safe ^_^

2020-08-31 12:25:17

Very warm bright and inviting. I really like the interplay between the distinct sections and how you've tied it all together with a bright and sunny natural/neutral wood palette! The golds and yellows really sing btw! Great job! (^-^)b

2020-08-31 14:48:14

Oh, almost forgot, If you'd like to see my very retro design it's on page 12. (^-^*)ノ

2020-08-31 14:52:26
Potato chip

Thank you for your nice comment. Your room looks great. I like the books. I also like that the sofas are facing each other.

2020-08-31 16:33:16

Very nice. I love the relaxing colors. The only thing that's missing, are some curtains. Other than that, you did very good. If you want to, please take a look at my design on page 17, and tell me what you think.

2020-08-31 19:38:32

Thank youu Eli_The_Design_Guy. I’ll check out yours.

2020-08-31 22:52:58

Thank you Potato Chip ^_^

2020-08-31 22:53:17

Thanks Snowflakes. Yes.. i forgot to put the curtains.

2020-08-31 22:54:04

HERE’S MY RENDER https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S9XRA/ GO CHECK IT OUT ^_^

2020-09-01 00:18:00

hello my name is bibipro1 and your design is spectacular it's very cool I'm on page 12 if you like vote goodbye

2020-09-01 08:21:57

Thank youu Bibipro1. Nice to meet you ^_^

2020-09-01 10:29:06
печенье выпечка

Hi I like your design and the vintage color if you want to check out mine is in page 20

2020-09-01 21:37:15
печенье выпечка

good luck

2020-09-01 21:37:28

Thanks Itsfunneh. You too.

2020-09-01 22:50:33
Annabeth Chase

I love it!! beautiful, enchanting, elegant, extreme and lovely. I will vote. It is just incredible I love the interior and the exterior it all blends together perfectly!!! I am on page 33. Please vote and leave a nice comment!!

2020-09-02 00:23:28

Thank you Annabeth Chase ^_^

2020-09-02 00:24:50
Annabeth Chase

Thanks for your comment Bunny. Will you vote for me when possible. Thanks!!

2020-09-02 00:30:03

Your welcome Annabeth Chase. I will vote for you ^_^

2020-09-02 00:33:33
Annabeth Chase


2020-09-02 00:36:02

heyy i like this one soooo much, you are definitely a winner, i am on page 28 if you want to look at mine

2020-09-02 07:18:49

Thank youuu emmy ^_^

2020-09-02 08:19:57
King Nessie

Thanks for commenting on mine. Your design looks great. You're very good at this.

2020-09-02 17:26:51

Hi, look at my work.Please vote for me. Thanks.

2020-09-02 18:59:25

Thank youu King Nessie ^_^

2020-09-02 23:12:55

I’ll look at yours Violetta ^_^

2020-09-02 23:13:20

Уютно!)))) Молодец. Ставлю лайк!)

2020-09-03 04:28:55

Thank youu ^_^

2020-09-03 10:08:28
Rizki Agustin

Hello, my name is Rizki Agustin. and your design it's very good i am on page 1. if you would like to vote for me, I would appreciate. Goodbye

2020-09-03 11:55:03

Thank youu Rizki Agustin

2020-09-03 13:16:13
Hall Pat

Votado! :)

2020-09-04 01:04:14

Gracia Hall Pat ^_^

2020-09-04 01:24:39

I love how you decided colors. from the light colors of the room to the color scale of the books. Great work! I'm on page 52 if you want to see my project

2020-09-04 06:58:59

Thank youu RasteD

2020-09-04 08:05:25
Julio Medrano

Buen diseño. Cumple con el desafío por los colores claros y el piano. Hay detalles que por falta de tiempo no puedo comentar para ver todos los diseños y poder votar. Te invito a ver el mío en la pág. N° 21. le das me gusta, si realmente es de tu agrado, sino deja un comentario que también es de importancia y valioso para mí. Gracias y saludos. (Nota: Me disculpo por copiar y pegar este mensaje, me hubiera gustado darte un comentario más detallado ya que soy muy observador y crítico)

2020-09-04 14:58:31


2020-09-04 17:51:46
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

woww i loveee it!!!!.... i really like the color scheme and sofas.i already voted for your project. please vote for me on page 2.

2020-09-04 18:38:11
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Plssssssss ;((((

2020-09-04 21:35:32

Thank you Julio Medrano

2020-09-05 05:42:17

Thank youu Snowflakes

2020-09-05 05:42:35

Thanksss Huzaifah shaikh. I'll vote for youu

2020-09-05 05:43:09
Sarah Stieren

Wow! Very nice! Plz vote for me on page 60!

2020-09-05 16:05:21

Thank you Sarah Stieren

2020-09-06 02:03:47
Rainfall Sienna

Hi, I love yours so much! Very elegant color scheme, everything goes together and it's well thought out. Great Job!

2020-09-06 18:12:47

Thank youu Rainfall Sienna ^_^

2020-09-06 23:36:08