Adeline R Hayes

Kommentar (9)


I like the layout and the color scheme but it feels like maybe your missing something

2020-08-03 05:32:31
Victória Scorpioni

Hi, please check my project in page 17. I hope you like it. Leave your page number in my comment project so then I can vote for you.

2020-08-04 01:58:42
Interior Designsss

Please visit my project on page 2, and vote when voting starts! Thank you!

2020-08-04 18:45:00

cool looks nice ill vote for you pls vote and comment for me on page 13

2020-08-04 19:05:16

Hello, please check my project in page 33 And Renders : And please just leave your page number in my comment project with your renders and i will for sur give you a feedback more specific

2020-08-05 20:37:41

Not bad for a 12 yrs old. It's actually a nice work. You're still young you can do more. You can visit mine on page 2. Thanks

2020-08-05 23:48:09
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

wow thats beautiful, i rlly like it! im definitely voting for u check out mine too! vote for me plz! on pg. 17

2020-08-07 01:18:38

Hi Adeline R Hayes I really like the color scheme but I would have added some wardrobe or decoration. Then remember to put the chandeliers or any other light points! vote for me on page 36

2020-08-07 14:06:40
حسن بن عبد الله المخزومى

hi so good amazingggg i like the color scheme i voted for you please vote for me on page 17 plzz vote for me

2020-08-08 02:37:37