This is my project for this week! I hope you guys like it and if you do make sure to comment on what you liked or thought I could have done better! I wasn't going to do my project this week but then I thought about it again and decided to do it! I decided to go for a pastel pink color, add in many plants, and make it look like a cozy, relaxing bathtime at night(don't know if this makes sense or not :)
2021-03-03 20:02:55i love the two toned wall, looks amazing. maybe add a bit more colour to really lift the project.
2021-03-04 15:46:51I was checking if you have submitted your project and I'm really glad to see it's there now :)! You should not skip these battles, since I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoy to see how you did it. I love how you combined creamy tones with whites. The way you arranged shelving units is also very interesting, you really know how to make more with less :)I! Ballerina print adds up to the whole beauty of the space. You did it great, as always!
2021-03-04 20:45:29Thank you for your kind comment. I love color creamy with white. I love the ballerina painting beside the entrance and beside the bath it looks beautiful. And I also like the way you arrange the shelf units, and hangers is also very interesting. Everything looks beautiful, neat, and comfortable. I like everything. Good job and good luck.
2021-03-05 01:57:56Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. I like the pink beige color.
2021-03-05 19:38:28Hola Elle.xo muchas gracias por tu comentario :D Primero que nada creo que es un trabajo increíble. Además de que me produce una sensación relajante y fresca, justo lo que se busca en esta habitación, la paleta de colores lo hace envolvente y luce muy bien, el modo de llevar los colores y hacerlos mezclarse entre ellos fue excelente, del mismo modo que la distribución, para mí es un gran trabajo :) felicidades.
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