Интерьер спортзала

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Arabella M

Комментарии (5)


Hi! I like that you divided the space into two parts. Maybe you could have put a mirror on the wall, but that's just my opinion. Overall, I like it.

2020-11-18 20:44:17
Arabella M

Thank you, Gabes!!! I really appreciate your comment!!!! have a super awesome day!!!!!!

2020-11-19 13:26:16

love the flow of the room. you could have used the space at the end more for storage ore something and some ectra collor would realy make it pop. very nice design overal

2020-11-19 22:04:05

Hi! I voted! If you think , check out my plan. You have no obligation.

2020-11-20 10:00:28
Arabella M

Thank you, Tim and Gabes!! I will be sure to look at your projects!! have an awesome day!!!

2020-11-21 13:34:40